Snowy Paths: Chapter Two

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The snow still falling from the indigo colored sky. It's much more graceful than the pitter patter of the rain. Much more calming than any other plane.

Lan Zhan and Lan Huan had entered the room, only to see Wei Ying glancing out of the window. They were still in awe after seeing him cleaned and groomed properly. With the robes of their clan on him, they really want to take him back.

"Wei Ying."

"Lan Zhan!"

The young master quickly turned his head in happiness. Be it he was more surprised to see Lan Huan in the back.

"Lan Huan-gege."

Lan Huan gave a smile.

"Are you feeling better A-Ying?"

"Mhm, thank you!"

Lan Zhan walked over to Wei Ying and sat only a few meters away. Lan Huan sitting on the bed as he stared at the children looking out the window.

"Do you like the snow, Wei Ying?"

"Mhm, it's very pretty"

Lan Zhan stared at the figure in front of him. He was mesmerizing and daunting but in a good way. Wei Ying had porcelain white skin with a skinny figure, gray eyes in the hue of blueth. A smile with such warmth.

"Wei Ying..."


Lan Zhans' ears flushed red. He didn't mean to voice out his name. He just wished to admire him without uttering a word. Lan Huan had let out a chuckle, seeing how silly his brother is.

"Come here, A-Zhan, A-Ying. You're going to get cold."

Lan Zhan stood up and walked over to the bed. Wei Ying stayed still, fiddling his fingers.

"Is something wrong, A-Ying?"

Wei Ying muttered some words that were too silent to be heard.


"I... I can't..."


Wei Ying looked at them embarrassed as he covered his face.

"I can't walk..."

Lan Huan was in disbelief. He then let out a sad smile and stood up. Walking over to the young master and taking him in his arms.

"It's okay, don't be embarrassed."

"I'm sorry..."

"Wei Ying, it's okay"

"Lan Zhan, thank you"

Lan Zhan just gave out another "Mn." The three of them sit on the bed, Wei Ying on the middle.

"Why did you call your uncle, Lan Zhan? For me?"

"I don't want to leave Wei Ying cold."

"That's nice of you A-Zhan."

Lan Huan placed his hand on Lan Zhans' head, giving him head pats.

"Where are your parents, A-Ying?"

"A-niáng and A-diē went on a night hunt and never came back. Uncle Jiang told me they were gone but I didn't know what it meant"

Wei Ying gave out a devastated scoff. Lan Huan was clearly in sorrow for this young master. Lan Zhan on the other hand was also confused. For only he was only 6 and this young master is younger than him but in the same age. Lan Huan then turned Wei Ying around, taking a small ribbon from his robe.

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