Chapter 16: Untamed Flame

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Now that the thing was out of hiding, the creature's unusual outer armor identified itself right away as a tigerdillo. That made sense after the smallest aggressive move scared it off.

"KA-TAR-A!" Zuko yelled but he already knew she was too far away to hear him. She was still fishing among the crashing waves with her back to the beach.

Dry grass and branches caught fire and the once small flame began to grow rapidly. It could easily get out of control, but Katara was in danger and, for the moment, the spreading fire would have to wait.

Zuko took off after the tigerdillo, adrenaline powering his tired muscles, but the animal was faster and had a head start. By the time Zuko was halfway down to the water, it had almost reached Katara and was getting ready to attack the unsuspecting waterbender.

Fighting against the deep sand, he pushed himself to go faster. "Katara," he gasped, his voice sounding muffled through the beating of his heart. He conjured up everything, every scrap of energy he had, into his last effort to save her.

But he was going to be too late. He was too far away.

It would be wrong to say that he fixed every thought on getting to Katara because that would mean he had some control over his thoughts. But he didn't, not really. It was as if no thoughts existed or had ever existed, and he was moving on instinct alone, every bit as wild as the tigerdillo. There was no past to accuse him or future repercussions to consider. There was no time. He was only running, chasing, straining against his screaming body.

There was no danger, not one worthy of recognition, not one that could ever make him turn back. He had to act as one is compelled to breathe.

A roar escaped his throat.

The energy flowed out from deep within him, sparking and catching fire. Bright orange flames streamed from his mouth and went where they already knew to go, eager to be released. Zuko had to close his eyes due to the intense heat and light. Half a second later, the yelp of the tigerdillo sounded. Zuko opened his eyes and saw the thing half-running, half-hobbling away into the brush.

The fire died as fast as it was born, which was good because Katara was already running to him, trying to catch him before he collapsed. He held his ground but had to put his head between his legs to stop his head from spinning and ears from ringing. Katara's voiced faded in, " okay? Zuko!"

"I'm okay." He groaned and coughed a couple of times as he tried to catch his breath.

"Sit down," she insisted and he did so without argument. "Are you hurt?" She gave him a lookover but he knew he wasn't.

He shook his head. Pointing behind him, he gasped, "Fire."

"Yeah, I know, you just firebended a—Fire!" The black smoke billowed from the foliage. "I'll be right back!"

Zuko watched while she gathered as much water as she could bend at once, ran past him to the line of bushes, and directed the water precisely where it needed to go to put out the flames. Soon the only remaining evidence of the fire were a few charred bushes and dark gray smoke already dissipating in the air high above.

Returning to Zuko, Katara sat down again, her skin shiny with sweat. "You okay?"

He nodded, despite his pounding head. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little warm." She pulled her hair up into a bun.

As she lifted her arms up, he spotted a line of inflamed skin traveling from her right wrist to her elbow. I hurt her. He gestured to her forearm.

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