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Came up with this when thinking how to write a different idea- then decided to do murderers instead of SBI snatching Tommy from each other-

And is the Pre-prompt talk annoying-? Should I stop-?


The SBI are a well known group of killers that are feared by everyone.

The Siren is said to be manipulative and can control people. It's said that his victims have no control over themselves and have no will. He can make them to whatever he likes, and they can't do anything about it. The few survivors say they don't remember anything from before the incounter, and they believe up is down and left is right, and that the earth is a brick.

The Blood God leaves no witnesses, and is said to kill people in the most painful, gory, ways. People who have seen the crime seems could only see blood and even the people who know the victim can't recognize them from how broken and torn their corpses are.

The Angel of Death is said to have large wings and is quick with his kills, and said to be father like to the other two from what witnesses have seen. He was the first of the trio to appear, but has less appearances then others. He always carved wings into his victims

But the weird thing is the trio have been around for thousands of years, somehow never dying. It's not a new group taking over ether, because all witness accounts and evidence and rumors show them to be the same three people and always has been.

One day though, the kills switched from being everyone that they come across, to just blondes and teens.

What people don't know, is that the killers have found a blond teen named Tommy who they have become attached to, and they want to supprise adopt him.

Their plan is to kill everyone that looks anything similar to their future brother/son, to make him scared because he could think he's going to be next. They of course couldn't hurt him, but he doesn't know that.

Tommy is scared because every blond teen is dying because of the SBI killers, and he's going to be next. He knows it. There's only a few blinds around his age left, and he has a feeling something bad is going to happen soon.

Because of that, he is spending more time with his friends, Techno, Wilbur, and Philza, because any moment could be the last.

One night after returning home he hears loud scratches and echoing footsteps, and before he knew it the SBI had flooded into the room he was in. He felt one of them grab him while a voice commanded him to stop struggling. They forced him to drink a potion, before everything went black.

SBI were so happy. They were able to snatch their future member, and not kill him! They did feel bad about him being scared of them when he woke up, but he has no reason to fear them, they won't hurt him.

When getting Tommy they did force him to drink a potion that will make him like them, immortal. The potion does make the drinker go unconscious for a while, usually 3-5 days. Tommy ended up unconscious for about a week.
(Think of vampires turning, the changing falls asleep for ___ amount of time, before waking up. But with this it's just me mushing things together, and dark magic because why not?)

When Tommy does wake up he panicked, because he didn't know that he was going to wake up, he thought he died- how was he alive?!

When he saw Wilbur, Techno, and Philza walk into the room it took him a moment to realize that his friends where SBI. Where they just playing with one of their victims? Taking his friendship only to betray him in a painful death?

The older three tell him that they aren't going to kill him, but Tommy isn't sure he can trust them. SBI just want their new son/brother to trust them and understand that they don't want to hurt them. All they want to do is protect their youngest brother/son and let him become one of them.

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