The stray in the maze

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A powerful screech, an ashy smell.
She was wrapped in feathers, in warmth, so warm that it could melt away her worries, her fears, and even the icy cold thoughts of what her past could be. Touched by comfort and inspiration, hugged by empathy and love. An angelic voice, calling out her name.


There was a light at the end of that dark space of nothing. She wanted to run towards it. She could feel her legs moving, her arms grabbing to reach out for the glow, a relieved and embracing feeling fills her as she got closer and closer, and just when she thought she could finally get a hold of the light...

she gasped, her eyes abruptly opening as she fell off her bed, bringing her blanket along with her to meet the wooden floor.

There's the concrete ceiling.

She was in her room, and the sun rays shone through her curtains. It's morning.

She's alone.

The warmth left her.

She's been dreaming, again.

And every morning, she'd find herself crying, meaningless tears that flowed down her cheeks. She'd sometimes find herself on the ground, but that was only when the angelic voice spoke.

She wiped her tears with her right hand, letting the droplets rest on her index finger before wiping it against her blanket, soaking it. Her eyes would trail from that finger, to that lotus scar, smeared there on her right arm from the day she was born.

She couldn't remember why it was there. And vaguely, she didn't remember her childhood, either. It was a blur to her. All she knew was that she was thrown to a 'nursery', or rather, an orphanage at a young age. Kids mocked her for falling off the bed and yelling at the window "Let me out! There's something over that horizon!!"

She tried, tried to get to the bottom of the mystery. But she knew that even with every turn she tried to take, all the clues she had tried to gather, all the roads would still lead back to where she is now; A stray in a maze, lost.

Not long after, she was taken in by a kind woman, one who was willing to raise her. She went to school like a normal kid, graduated like a normal kid, found a job like a normal human, and lived like a normal human.

Well, at least it was what her mind convinced her into thinking so.

As a adult, she would hear that angelical voice as she strolled on the streets, the same from her dream, calling from the distance. She had shook her head, countless times, reminding herself that it was only a hallucination, and that she should get more sleep.

Yet, deep inside, the music inside her sang a different song.

Sometime in her life, she wishes to find out the true explanation. But what could she do to face those many dangers that lurked outside? She barely could throw a punch without losing balance.

But she never gave up hope.
Or at least, she tried to not.

Days became weeks, and weeks became months, and months became years...

Yet there wasn't a single answer.

Not even a single spark, except for that sickening dream.

So she gave up. And threw her past behind. And she became Angelica, or otherwise, Angel for short. She figured it would be a nice sounding but... kind of ironic name, since she was no angel. What angel was she if she couldn't even solve her own problems? With so much  sadness in her corrupted heart?

Even so, no matter how she did, she wouldn't be able to escape the deep, dark, secret that still lies, somewhere close.


Thank you for reading so far!! I mean, holy cow, 91 reads? I was SHOOK about the 3 stars too. I really am so happy that some people enjoy my story.  I'll continue this soon and remove all the weird aesthetic things if necessary, since I feel like i'm just ruining my book by doing this. What do you guys think? Please let me know in the comments. Even a yes or no would make my day. :D

Reads, comments, votes, adding this book to your list will always be appreciated!!

Snakee_qi ~ 小悅

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