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The second flight was like the first one, regarding the fact that Enara had to shake Katy for five consecutive minutes until she would wake up to move flights.

They were equally as tired, equally as eager, and exhausted.

Enara not only had fallen asleep on Shaun's shoulder on multiple occasions, woken up, apologised and then returned to her slumber, but also for the first time in a while; she had a dream.

This time, it wasn't as empty.


Enara felt herself get lifted from her plane seat. She panicked, screaming as she spiralled endlessly down the void. Everywhere around her was black, black and only more black.

It felt like forever until she had hit the end of the void. The surface of the ground was hard, but she swore it was soft when she landed on it. Her bones didn't crack, but they hurt from impact. Her vision was fine, but it throbbed.

She looked around as she slowly got up from the floor. This was a similar place to where she'd see the light every time she had that dream. Was she in a nightmare? Would that explain the horror?

"...Hello?" She called out, but the only voice that responded was her echo.

"Anyone there..?" Her voice resonated again.


She frowned, discouraged. From what she saw, there was not anyway or anywhere she could get out of this deep hole. She pinched herself, trying to wake up her real self, but flinched in pain.

Just as she was about to sit back down, she heard a loud rumble coming from behind her. She quickly scrambled up, her eyes darting around in fright. She could hear her heart pound rapidly, as if it was about to burst.

Then looking down, she realised that it was the floor that was rumbling. Before she could react, she was sucked down, again. Closing her eyes in fear as a scream trailing out of her mouth.

She expected the same impact from before.

But it never came.

Instead, she felt her body coming to an abrupt stop, float a bit, and then drop on something prickly. She could feel a breeze brushing her hair, and the aroma of flowers that flew through the air.

Flowers? Breeze? Where did all that come from?

She opened her eyes, and was greeted by an azure sky, with a few fluffy clouds painted across. She could see a few petals in the air, dancing and carried by the strong wind.

Where... was she? She sat up slowly, looking around and seeing that she was laid in a field of lotus flowers.

Somehow, the lotuses reminded her about the mark on her arm.

She could feel the golden rays of the sun shining down warmly on her body, hear the faint chirp of birds and the wind weave the meadow all around her. She found herself barefoot, and wearing a gradient coloured dress of warm orange and rose pink. If Enara was going to be honest, she didn't really want to move from where she was.

Her thoughts were cut off when she felt a fiery presence behind her. She turned around, her eyes widened.

There the light floated in front of her. The one that she had always dreamt of. The one that she had desperately tried to get ahold of.

Time seemed to pass in slow motion as Enara stood silently, facing the bright deity, as it did the same.

She wanted to touch the orb of light. Her right arm reached out, her palms opening widely, asking for the light to come forward.

It obeyed, nuzzling into her palms. Somehow, the light didn't look, seem, or even feel spherical. Instead, she could feel warm feathers brushing against her skin.

"... see? No need to hide." She whispered.

Suddenly, they broke from their hug.

And then the light spoke.


"t...em...ple.... g...uar...d.ian.."


She never heard it so weak before.

Before Enara could interpret what was going on, the blue sky had slowly started turning bloody red. The grass and flowers started to wilt, and the light started to fade.

"Wait..! Don't go! What did you have to say?" she cried. It was useless.

As she dropped to the ground, she realised that one part of the ground, below where the light flew, was missing a patch of wilted grass.

Her heart froze when she saw what was carved messily in the dirt.

Ten rings.


Enara's eyes opened rapidly, waking up, feeling her right hand squeeze the chair handle of the airplane seat and her heart thumping loudly. Her mind was driven with thoughts and conspiracies. What had happened in the dream... seemed too true to be fake.

Shaun and Katy were still asleep, eyes closed and breathing slowly. She was glad she didn't wake them up, but maybe she should consider asking Shaun more about the ten rings later.


Just maybe.


Hello!! Thank you for reading and supporting my book this far. i'm really happy everyday to see everybody adding this to reading lists and stuff and It really warms my heart a lot. Thank you so much for 8k+ reads I mean holy wha??????

I might rewrite or update or add more to this chapter since I kind of rushed this and it's super short. So it doesn't seem so empty. HOWEVER i'm also kind of pretty busy so yeah there's that.

Bye bye!! Thank you for reading this far.

- Luck 小悅

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