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Pssstt.... might wanna play this: 
- Run it ( https://youtu.be/AVqJou2ngpM )
Hehe i think most of you guys know what i mean.


Who ARE you?

Enara laid her head on the window as the bus shook violently, driving into every uneven hole on the road. Sighing softly, as she looked into the mountains that stood strongly beyond the crowded buildings. How she wishes that she could be like them, facing her fears as fiercely as they face the dangers of mother nature. This paradox was so critical, that it had started to become an unhealthy habit, deteriorating her mental health drastically. Although, it wasn't like her energy was that high to begin with.

Shaun noticed the girl's worry and concerns, and he too had started to get skeptical. When he and Katy first met Enara , he had seen some moments of doubt in Enara 's expression, rarely catching her stare for a few seconds into nothingness, but as their friendship grew, so did the doubts. To be fair though, Katy was the one who had been more observant than him. Shaun vividly remembers she was the one who had told him with a frown plastered on her face a while ago. "Something is wrong with her, and she's not willing to tell us."

Yet there is a possibility that it might just be personal anxiety after the sudden death of her stepmother, nobody could blame her.

"So, who do you think is the most tired today?" Shaun asked, trying to avert Enara's visible worries, even if the question was pretty vague to begin with. "Wait, no, that's a stupid question, obviously it's me." Both of the girls burst into quiet laughs. Enara  rolled her eyes. "Well, you two are the only ones who actually have a 'passionate interest' in cars, and Shaun is here to be 'responsible' " She mocked.

"Ah, right, none of you guys can survive a day without getting fired if I wasn't there." Shaun boasted, nudging Katy on his left shoulder, which he got a punch in return. "What? I'm responsible too. I'm the only one who can stay up all night doing karaoke and drift cars... instead of doing that." Katy said, pointing at the girl that sat in front of them, seemingly typing her laptop for some research paper. "That's the girl my mom wants to be, but she's also the girl I am never going to be."

The girl looked up with disappointment, clearly insulted. She must have heard their conversation, Enara quickly interjected. "Sorry about her." Katy slapped her on the shoulder. Shaun laughed.

"I thought you were on my side!"
"Well I can change, can't I?"

Their conversation continued, until it was interrupted when a big man walked to stand, right in front of them, eyes piercing at Shaun's green pendant. Enara could see two other men that got on the bus too. Moments of awkward silence passed.

"How's it going?" Shaun asked in an attempt to clear the obvious tension. He got no response.

"Do you know him?" Katy asked, he shook his head. Leaving Enara a bit puzzled as she stared at the ground.

There were moments of silence, before the man spoke up.

「項鍊給我,就沒有人會受傷。」("Give me the pendant, and nobody will get hurt.")  He said.

Shaun raised an eyebrow, but remained still.

Impatiently, the man reached out to snatch the pendant, to which Shaun reacted by pushing the man off him, stumbling out of his seat. "Get off of me!" He shouted loudly, only to be instantly grabbed by two other men. It drew the attention of other curious passengers. Katy and Enara shot up from their seats.

"What is wrong with you, assholes?" Katy interposed.

「我不想任何麻煩。」("I don't want any trouble.") Shaun replied, worried and breathlessly, giving a quick glance at his friends.

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