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At the Break of Dawn

Every morning, it was the same cycle all over again. On her bed, sometimes even on the ground, staring at the same white concrete ceiling, as futile tears flowed down her cheeks. That sickening lotus mark that sat on her right shoulder, that vague voice, whispering her name, sending her back to the never-ending paradox she asked herself for years and years, "who was she?"

Give or take, Huang Meng didn't know either. She was raised in an orphanage, and taken in by her adoptive mom, who unfortunately had passed away just recently, but thankfully leaving Meng her inheritance; money enough to manage a lifetime. She was sent to school, taught the basic academic knowledge, just like every kid. She was normal.

Or so she thought. After all, she was the only one who hallucinates voices that called over from the distance. Growing up and realising how many problems her identity makes that completely destroys her mental self esteem, she decided she wanted to start over. She wasn't Huang Meng anymore.

She was Enara, Enara Feng. The pesky, playful, lazy guilt-free girl who works as a valet and fights over car keys with her friends.

Enara sat up, wiping the tears with her right arm carelessly, and got ready to start another day.

Deciding she was going to wear the same white- blue striped t-shirt that she wore too often along with her worn out black leggings, she grabbed and folded one of the many white button-up shirts she wore to work, placing it neatly inside her leather duffel bag along with her blank leather shoes, phone and wallet. Bolting to the bathroom, she started to brush her teeth, brushing up her silky rich black hair into a low ponytail. Slipping into her grey sneakers, she grabbed her bag, locked the door, and sprinted out of her apartment, down the stairwell and scampering down the busy streets of San Fransisco.

She glanced at her watch, she had 20 minutes to spare before she had to make a beeline to the Chen family's apartment. She's got plenty of time, just as she hoped. Waving to the shop owners, she made her way towards the Lady A bakery, owned by a friendly lady who goes by the name 'Alison Merryweather' at the end of her street. Why was it that far off the end anyway?

"Hi Alison!" Enara grinned, entering the bakery, and inhaling deeply to take in the aroma. Freshly baked bread was one of the most satisfying smells in her world. Grabbing a tray and picking up a doughnut and few other pastries before heading towards the counter to pay.

"Hello dear, early as always, truly a morning bird, if I say so myself." The woman smiled, shoving the pastries in a paper bag. Alison had beautiful shoulder length blonde locks, an angelic expression with a few freckles that glimmered her innocent smile. She wore a long sleeved white shirt with a rose-painted pink dress. Enara envied how perfect she was.

"Twelve dollars, don't tell anyone I'm giving you a major discount." She winked. Enara laughed. "So, how is work as a valet? Park any new cars? Fancy ones?"

"Oh you bet! Just yesterday, someone drove in a silver BMW, I think. Honestly? I'd fight Katy just to get my hands on that steering wheel. But Shaun? Such a party pooper, snagging the keys before we could even make a move." The girl scoffed, taking out her wallet and handing over the money to Alison. "I was actually going to go to Katy's, but since I had time, I thought I'd bring the Chen family a few delicious delights."

"Well hon, Shaun is right y'know." Alison laughed, prior to handing the bag of pastries over to Enara. "Tell the Chen family I said hello." The girl took the bag, rolled her eyes with a smile, and made her way to Katy's apartment.

She glanced at her watch again, it was twenty past eight. How quickly time has passed. She sighed in relief; She was on schedule today. Earphones in, music blasting, everything was going strangely smooth. As Enara continued to walk down the street, thoughts consumed her. It was weird how the voice hasn't called out for the second time yet. Normally it should have by now.

But she wasn't going to allow some... stupid voice consume her bright morning. Pushing the worries away, she took a deep breathe, and hummed the lyrics to 'Who knew'.

If only shoving those thoughts away were that simple.


Excuse me?! 160+ reads?? You guys ROCK. Thank you so much for supporting my book so far haha. I take this book as a stress reliever. You guys have no idea how much it means to me by just even taking a peek at this book. XOXO. Wish I could update more but it's pretty much 3 in the morning. I might shut this chapter again in the morning since i made a lot of mistakes.  (Edit: I erased them, I hope)

I know this chapter is kinda boring, but I don't know what else to do. Am I including too much information? LOL. I don't know, story writing can be a bit nerve wrecking if you think way too outside the box. But eitherway I hope you guys enjoy it.

Remember to vote, comment, maybe share, and add this book to your reading lists!! Peace out!

Luck ~ 小悅

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