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Thanks to Katy's quick driving and planning, they were all able to book economy plane seats to Macau. Enara couldn't help but be proud at how many calories she had burnt running all the way back to her apartment, pack and change, then to Katy's, and finally being able to help catch a cab to the airport. "Wear that to work and see what bonus the boss will give.." Katy snickered about the smug expression that Enara wore on her face.

Unfortunately, the flight will at least take 19 hours, which means they'd need to intersect and change planes. Enara mourned at the thought of moving again.

The first flight was already hours in, and presumably the sky outside had already started to turn dark. The lights of the airplane had dimmed down, passengers had started to set their recliners backwards, and put on their sleeping masks, while others wore headphones and had relaxing music nursing them to sleep. Soon enough, the plane's atmosphere had entered silence.

Not even the trio had spoken much since boarding the plane. Both Shaun and Enara had their heads resting and staring at the ceiling, while Katy was enjoying her apple juice. Enara too was getting sleepy, feeling her eyelids droop and her energy vanquish.

Suddenly, as she was about to pass out, Katy's voice pitched in. "Yo, Shaun, you still haven't told us what and where the heck those moves you performed came from." She said, her mouth slightly filled with apple juice.

"Ngnnnnn...yeah Shaun." Enara added in, forcing herself to fall out of her sleeping phase and flashing back to the intense fight on the bus. "You thought you could escape from us?"

Shaun sighed exasperatedly; he was already tired of so many things. Tired of having to bring up the pass, tired from the tremendous stress that he had on the line, and even a bit tired of these two constantly butting questions.

"... I guess a promise is a promise." He said with a sad smile.

What the girls had just heard was utterly unbelievable, and even ridiculous. It turns out that Shaun grew up in an ancient forretress deep in the mountains of China beside a renowned leader of a hidden scandalous society, or rather; his father, named Wenwu. It was said he has lived for thousands and thousands of years not only thanks to his empire but also to the power of strange artefacts called the ten rings, which grant immortality and immense strength, enough to be able to disrupt history and conquer land for his own.

But when Wenwu landed his eyes on a beautiful woman by the name Ying Li in an attempt to enter and conquer Ta Lo, a sacred land only accessible by portal, all his evil deeds of ruling the world had faded away in the wind. It wasn't long until the two had decided to start a family together.

Except, the people of Ta Lo didn't seem to agree on the idea of their marriage. And so, for their love, Ying Li had sacrificed her role as the guardian of Ta Lo, leaving it as she embraced the human world with Wenwu, giving birth to two blessed and beautiful babies, Shaun, and his sister, Xialing. Throughout the years, they were living their lives happily, as a family, laughing, embracing, loving, away from danger.

How wrong they were.

One snowy, cold night, men dressed in metallic black, unknown to anyone, had taken their steps in the family's territory. While Shaun and his sister were confused, Ying Li had exactly known the reason upon their arrival. Ushering for her children to hide, Ying Li had fought the hardest she could against the men, but they just kept on coming, and she... she felt so tired.

When Wenwu had returned from the outside on that cold and snowy night, he was greeted by his crying children, and his lifeless wife, drenched in a pool of blood.

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