Meet up

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Hunters pov

When I woke up the next morning he was gone. I looked around for him but he had vanished. I sighed remembering how but when he talked to me i felt real, like a human. Not a lowly servant working for Belos. I felt safe with him for a reason that I couldn't explain and he had left.

Of course he left you idiot. I thought to myself. I scared him off. Meeting him in the middle of the night? What was I? A stalker? He probably never wanted to see me again.

But then again it was a school day. And Edric is a student...

I got up and stretched. I wanted to know if he wanted me around or not. But most of all I just wanted to see him, and his smile and his soft green hair, and-

Why was I even thinking about him like this? I've never liked anyone and I don't like him.

But his voice and- Titan maybe I did like him...

Edrics pov

Later at school i couldn't pay attention. I was too busy thinking about everything. Especially Hunter.

"Edric!" Em waved at my face, "it's lunch hour get up."

"Oh yea." I said zoning back into reality and getting up.

"Is everything ok?" Em asked, "you look awful."

"Late night..." I said sighing, "there's something I should tell you.."

"What is it" Em said, her look of concern growing.

"I met someone..." I trailed off. Ems eyes lit up.

"Who is it! Come on spill!"

"His name is hunter..." I said smiling at the thought of him. "We met in the woods and-"

"Ed do you have a secret boyfriend!?" Em exclaimed. I blushed at the thought, ears twitching.

"We've only met up twice..."

"Is their anything special about him that you might find... Enduring?" Em wriggled her eyebrows at me smiling.

"He wants me around, unlike some people..." I trailed off again, remembering why I went out into the woods and met him in the first place.

"Ed?" Emira look at me earnestly, "Do you think I don't want you around? Because if so, it's not true." I looked at her wide eyed.

"Really?" I said quietly, "But we haven't hung out in ages. You've been busy, Amity's too busy, and you kinda pushed me away when I wanted to support you..."

"I didn't know you felt like that Ed, I'm sorry it came across like that, I was just tired and didn't want to put any more weight on you..." Em confessed.

"Really?" I asked, ears pricking up.

"Really. Just tell me if you need something." Em smiled, "Now if you don't mind Vineys waiting for me."

"Okay have fun..." I said waving goodbye. After she disappeared I sighed, I was alone again.

Hunters pov

I decided to go and wait outside Hexide for Edric, and maybe we go do something together after school. Did I know what to say or do? No. I didn't, but that minor detail was not going to stop me.

By the time I arrived it was around lunchtime, and students were shuffling around the schoolyard doing normal kid stuff- while I waited in the bushes questioning my sanity and wondering if this was even a good idea.

"Hey Hunter..." Someone said tapping on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Edric smiling coyly, "what are you doing hear?"

"I came to see you." I said trying to sound nonchalant. Ed raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is that so?"

"Well, you're just so cute that I couldn't resist seeing you again." I shrugged smiling at him, Edric looked shocked for a second and I was worried that I screwed something up until he replied.

"I'm flattered handsome..." Edric smiled putting a hand on my shoulder, "but what makes you think I'm cute?" He asked as he ran his hand down to mine.

"The sparkles in your eyes, the way you smile..." I said, and without thinking I brought his hand up to my face, pulling his face closer until we were inches apart.

Edrics face turned red and he seemed to choke on his words like he wasn't actually expecting a compliment.

"Wait what?" He asked stepping back.

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." I said clearing my throat and looking away so he wouldn't see how red my face was.

"So you didn't mean it?" Ed asked dropping my hand and looking a little disappointed.

"Oh, no I did mean it, I just-" I started, panicking. I didn't want him to think i wasn't being genuine.

"Sorry I gotta go, Belos is waiting for me." I said winking, but also totally chickening out, "byeeee..."

And with that I spun around and speed walked away without looking back.

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