High alert

936 28 16

Edrics pov

A few weeks had passed at this point and things were looking good, there was no extra guards stationed around town or anything.

Hunter was doing great too, his therapy was going wonderfully and he was is a generally good mood almost all the time.

"Ed, what's that." Hunter said, tapping me on the shoulder and pointing at a coven guard walking out of the office with principal bump.

"Shit. Hunter we need to get you out of hear!" I whispers, nudging him toward the exit.

"Wait Ed, what if their not looking for me? Then we're worrying about nothing" he whispered back. Eyes wide with false hope.

"Fine, we can go eavesdrop for a minute, but as soon as your mentioned, or even implied, I'm taking you back to the owl house." I replied, casting an invisibility spell on us.

"Yes, that's right mr. Bump. It's for for the safety of the students, you care about your students right?" Steve was saying.

"Of course I do, you may bring as many guards In until you feel that the school is up to standards." Bump replied.

"Oh you misunderstood, it's not about the health code, we fear that uh... Certain students my be a threat..."

"I don't understand mx. Steve, what about my students. Concerns you?"

"Have you had any new students lately?" Steve inquired. "We fought wind that a dangerous monster roams these halls nowadays..."

"With all due respect Steve, this is a judgement free zone, we allow all demons hears as longs as their not hurting anyone. And our new student hasn't hurt a fairy. What your suggesting is slightly offensive.

"Look I'm just saying what I was told to I mean no harm, You know what Bump? I'm just going to go stand guard."

Bump smiled. Crossing his arms. "You go do that."

Steve sighed, walking past us and down the hall.

"Titan I hate this job..." Steve mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Hunter, let's go..." I said, reaching out to pull his invisible sleeve. "Hunter? Where did you go?"

"I'm right hear bae." Hunter sighed, I waved my hand making the spell disappear and he faded into view.

"Are, are you ok?" I asked, reaching out to hold his hand again. Hunter pulled away.

"Their hear." Hunter whimpers, "our days are numbered Ed, we- I can't avoid them forever."

"Let's go Hunter, we can make a plan back at the owl house."

"Ok..." Hunter said. Voice shaking.

Hunters pov

Back at the house Hooty greeted us happily, "hi friends, guess what I did.." Hooty grinned.

"Not now Hooty," sighed, "Eda I need you."

"What is it kid?" Eda said, letting us inside. "Aren't you supposed to be at school? Were you EXPELLED?" She gasped, "oh I'm so proud-"

"No Eda," I said, "the school is being infiltrated by emperor's coven guards, Belos must be on to me."

"Oh no!" Eda gasped,"I gotta do something! And fast!" Eda stood up. Slamming and locking the door. Then after thinking for a second why to the kitchen and poured a glass of apple blood.

"Ok, got any ideas? Besides assassinating Belos to get him to leave you alone, it's a good idea, but definitely too risky."

"No..." Edric sighed, "I'm sorry Hunter."

"It's not your fault their looking for me," I smiled weakly, "We should just stay at home untill we find an answer."

"We? My mom will kill me if I skip school more then I already do." Ed sighed.

"But the emperor probably wants you too, now that he knows you're affiliated with me." I replied, "I need you to stay safe."

"Look, either way I'm screwed. If the guards come to my house my mom would rat out in a second, may as well just keep an eye out at school for you."

"How bout both of you hide out hear?" Eda suggested, "I got plenty of space, and Hooty would be delighted to hang out with more people."

"It's our only good option." Edric sighed, "I just need to tell my sibs so they don't worry about me disappearing."

"Ok then." Eda said, taking a swig of the blood, "a temporary solution has been made. Anyway I'll be in my nest looking for a permanent one if you need me."

Eda patted my head and left the room mumbling.

"Well..." I sighed, "what now?"

"Let's get you situated, after all were both going to be hear for a while." Edric  sighed, leading me up to his room.

Edrics pov

The next day Hunter had therapy, he couldn't go the the office so he locked himself in the basement to do the session over penstagram leaving me alone to watch Hooty do Spanish lessons with duo.

I sighed, I couldn't stand not having an answer so I won't up to Edas room.

Knock knock

"Come in kid." Eda said. I peaked my head into the door an saw Eda, sitting on the floor pouring over randome papers with king, "hear for an update? Because I might just have something for ya."

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