The Solution

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Edrics pov

"What is it?" i asked, sitting down.

"It might work, i just need to go to court and get legal guardianship of hunter, i just need to get through beloses ownership to do it."

"Well what are you waiting for?" I gasped.

"Nothing kid, now get outta hear, i need to make a few calls." Eda smirked

I grinned and left her room.

Hunters pov

After eda told me about the plan i couldn't help but feel hopeful. Me, an official son of Eda clawthorn! How exciting!


I hear by bring this court case to order." The judge said. Banging their gavel.

Edric squirmed in his seat. I squeezed his hand nervously.

"Ok sooo..." the judge started,  shuffling a bunch of papers.

. . .

Almost a half an hour later the door burst open.

"What is this madness?" Kiki screeched, behind her two guards pointed freshly polished spears in my direction.

"Ma'am sit down, and put the weapons down." The judge said, "weapons arent allowed in this room."

That was weird. I thought to myself, that voice was starting to sound familiar.

"Turn hunter over to me at once!" Kiki said loudly, hands on her hips.

"Sorry ma'am, we cant give an innocent child to someone who has committed three felonies today."

Kiki's face turned red, "this is bullshit!! I haven't done anything!"

"Yea, bringing guards into court, giving me attitude and parking in a tow away zone."

"Im Beloses second in command!! This is blasphemy!!"

"Is it true that belos abused Hunter on more than one occasion?" The judge said, raising an eyebrow.

Kiki sputtered.

"That in its self violates like five other laws." Judge said, tapping their mask, "don't get me started on all the other shit belos has put him through."

Eda offered  me some popcorn.

"I hearby grant Edalyn clawthorn legal custody of Hunter. After all, she has experience in adoption and has proved to be a Worthy mother. Sign here Hunter."  Judge said, handing me a stack of papers. "And kiki you are dismissed."

Kikimoras eyes lit up with fury. "BELOS WILL HAVE YOU FOR THIS!!"

"Even Belos is not above the law."


"Fuck off kikimora, I don't like you." Judge said. "Hoot."

I finished signing the legal documents.

The whole courtroom gasped.

"Hooty?" Ed gasped.

"What's happing?" Kiki cried. Eda hid a smirk.

"Whatever happened its too late for you." The real judge said, walking in, an amused expression on her face. "The papers have been signed so court is ajorned."

I grinned as kiki walked out, head still held high. Hooty took off the mask and wormed out of the room.

"Wow that was nuts." Edric breathed.

"It was." I agreed, "and now i- I'm free..."

"And now your free." Ed grinned, pulling me closer, tears welling up in his eyes. I pulled him into a tight hug, my throat tighting up.

"Thank you Eda." I whispered. Closing my eyes and melting into Edrics warm embrace.

I pressed my face into his shoulder, tears rolling down my cheeks. Belos cant touch me now. Not ever.

I pulled away. "Ed, what about your mom? And you?"

"Ill be fine Goldie, don't worry about it." Ed replied, smiling. "Lets not focus on that right now."

I frowned looking into his eyes was a little bit of sadness.

"I love you Ed, and if your mom gives you problems just come to me." I said, ruffling up his hair.

"I love you too Hunter." Ed smiled, kissing me, "and thanks..."

* * *

Edric was staying one more night in the owl house before resuming life at home.

Their had been a little party for me downstairs but it was starting to die down so i went up to the busted up tower to clear my head.

I heard footsteps behind me and i looked up to find Edric looking down at me, a look of concern in his beautiful eyes.

"Looking handsome, as always." I say. Ed blushes.

"Not so bad yourself Goldie." He replied, sitting down next to me. I grinned and a little smile appeared on his face.

"Remember when we met?" He said, looking up at the stars.

"Your acting like it was a long time ago." I replied.

"Sure feels like it." Edric said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"I liked you from the start." I laughed, giving him a kiss.

"I could tell, you were blushing mess." Ed teased.

"Like you weren't a tomato every time we interacted." I shot back.

Edric grinned, "You know you liked it."

"Your cute when your face is all red." I smiled kissing his cheek.

"Your cuter."

"We both know that's not true." I grinned, "so shut up."

"Shut up?" Ed said, snuggling up to me. "So rude."

"Titan Edric, just kiss me or something."

"Ooh bossy to?" Ed teased, pulling me in.

I laughed, kissing him again and again, only stopping to admire his adorableness.
He shove me down onto the floor and started to give me a hickey. I let out a little moan as his teeth brushed my skin.

He pulled away and took a breath before I grabbed his hands, pulling him back into a kiss.

We stayed there for a while, making out until we got tired and our lips felt raw.

"I love you Edric." I whispered as he let out a yawn and started to relax his grip on my waist.

"I love you to Hunter. Goodnight." I heard him reply as I settled into his chest. The comforting sound of his heartbeat slowly luling me to sleep just like it did the night we spent together in the woods.

"Goodnight Ed..."

The end


Maybe I'll do an epilogue later

But for the time being it's been fun writing this

Ty for all the support

Love you all



Maybe I'll do another goldric book in the future

Stay tuned for that ig

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