Chapter 30

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"Drew, can you please tell me where we are going?" I anxiously try pulling up the bandana around my eyes.

"No peeking! This is a surprise remember?" His gentle voice reassures me. We've been driving for such a long time now, I'm getting tired of only seeing black. I should have fell asleep, but I'm just too excited to see where we're going.

"Okay, you can take it off."

Finally. It's been so hot outside lately considering summer is coming soon, and I'm scared of reeking of sweat near the hottest boy in the world. Ha, ha. Summer, hot boy...

I'm ready for summer.

I lift the blindfold from my eyes and I see a beautiful beach before my eyes. I didn't think we would go here at all, but it's better than I could ever expect. I whine to him, "Drew, you didn't tell me to bring my bathing suit." He just laughs at me.

"But thank you for taking me here," I say and give him the sweetest kiss I could ever give him.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." He laughs again, and now I'm slightly suspicious. I leave my flip flops in the car and run to the soft sand beneath my feet. I needed this, school has been beyond stressful. He joins me, and I take hold of his hand. He grabs mine harder and pulls me to run with him to the water.

"Drew, like I said earlier...I am not wearing my swimsuit." I yell to him. He just has a gigantic grin on his face, about to laugh. Before I know it, I'm reliving the first time we kissed as he throws me into the water with him and kisses me passionately.

"Drew, are you going away somewhere for vacation or something? Should I be worried?" I breathe out recovering from our kiss.

"I thought I should do something special for you. You always deserve everything beautiful, just like this beach." I can tell how this is coming naturally to him, every word and glance at me. It is so romantic that I feel as if he could have rehearsed and practiced it for hours on end. But this is all him, and I love it.

My clothes are soaked, but I love the smell of the saltwater and being refreshed from the drive. I can't even believe how time has passed so quickly. Our first kiss, our special moments together feels like just yesterday.

When I picture it, like in the movies how you see all the moments previously flash before your eyes and it is a moment of nostalgia and great emotion, that's what I am seeing before my eyes. I am in this long love story with a girl and a boy. A foolish girl at first who didn't think anything of saying hello to the boy next to her, and an incredibly gorgeous boy who knows how to treat someone with respect, kindness, and with all the love the human heart can give...Possibly more. Somehow, in the mix of it all, the boy falls for the clumsy girl and she falls for him just like how she trips on chairs in chemistry.

How is this real? How is this even my life? Before I met him, I remember being so anxious to fall in love, waiting to be happy and live the life in the movies and in the books that I read.

Then, I decided that I would stop looking, I would live and love in the moment. Because don't the love stories you hear about not even happen? They're all pretend, made up by some person sitting in their bedroom while they probably don't even understand what actually happens in reality. Except out of nowhere, he came into my life and I realized that I was utterly wrong. They do exist, and I am living in this beautiful story that he and I are creating day by day.

"Ally, are you okay? Snap out of it." Drew laughs while snapping his fingers in front of my nose.

"Sorry I was just...thinking of you." I smile, hoping that what I just said did not sound as cheesy as I probably made it seem.

"I love you Ally, with all my heart." He whispers.

"And I love you. Forever." I promise him.

Drew leaves to go get some water from his car, and while I sit on our towel Drew brought earlier, a guy starts making his way towards me.

"Hey gorgeous, are you here by yourself?" His voice doesn't sound as gentle and soothing as Drew's, and I want him to hurry up with the water.

"No actually, I'm here with my boyfriend." I say looking to the ground. Can't he sense the fact that I'm not interested?

"Oh baby girl, I bet I'm just about ten times better than whatever dude you're dating."

I am very uncomfortable.

"Oh is that so?" I look up instantly to my favorite sound in the world.

Drew's about an inch or two taller, and much hotter so I hope this guy leaves as soon as possible.

"Sorry Romeo, but I think your girl rather be with someone who doesn't leave her out of his sight."

"Okay you actually sound like a psychopath stalker and if you do not leave in the next ten seconds I will punch you in the face." Drew says calmly.

I start laughing to myself and the guy decides to make the right choice and leave us alone.

"Everyone has the hots for you, but you're all mine." He kisses me on the cheek.

"Same to you, I bet six girls at least have checked you out, but you're here with me."

"Yeah right, and I'm glad because I wouldn't want to be with anyone else right now."


As we drive home with the radio on and the windows down with a nice cool breeze brushing against my face, Drew pulls into a park.

"Don't you think it's a little late to go on the monkey bars?" I joke.

"I just wanted to look at the stars with you. I don't care how dumb it sounds."

I swear, I think he reads love stories because what we do together is surreal, and I love every second of it.

As we lay on the cool grass and I look at him, he looks back at me and we stay that way for a while, looking at each other for what seems to be an eternity. I know with every fiber of my being that right now, the looks in our eyes are saying more than what words could ever do.

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