Chapter 3

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It has been three weeks since what happened with Jacob.

I switched my seats and haven't talked to him, or look at him. He hasn't attempted anything or tried talking to me.

Drew and I haven't spoken since what happened either. I didn't even have his number to tell him thanks again. I've been spending history looking at him, waiting for him to look at me and say something. Anything. He wont even give me a glance. What did I do? Oh yeah I know, absolutely nothing... I thought him and I could become friends, considering what he did. Is he ashamed of it? In class my teacher called on me, but I had no clue what she was talking about because all i was thinking was why does he hate me? She asked me about it and all I said was sorry and it wouldn't happen again.

This is a nightmare. What could I have possibly done to that boy?

I lay in my bed, trying my hardest not to cry about this. It shouldn't even matter to me that Drew's ignoring me. We've barely even talked since recently, and even then it wasn't recent or a long conversation.

I hear the doorbell ring and rub my face with my hands. Pull yourself together and answer the door like a human being. I walk downstairs and find that my parents are out, maybe they forgot something.

I open my door to find that brown eyed boy who's been ignoring me for weeks.

I almost scream in reply to his coming to my door, but instead I gasp. What is he doing here? If he hasn't talked to me in three weeks, why does he want to talk now?

"Hey." I say trying to be calm. I'm wearing a light blue t-shirt and shorts. Classy.

"C'mon." Is all he says as he starts walking away to his car. Is this kid for real? I can't help but find myself walking towards him. I'm curious.

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly. I can't help but feel intimidated by him. What is he up to?

"You'll see." He says.

This isn't fair. I deserve a few answers at the least. I need courage, and I have to stand up to him. As we both get into his car I know what I want to say to him.

"You tell me right now where we're going or else I'll walk out. This isn't fair at all. You think you can just come to my door after three weeks of full on ignoring me? You haven't even returned a glance to me in history, but no. You, Drew Phillips, are allowed to do whatever you want and decide to talk to me n-"

"Chill out, I can explain for everything. Just put your seatbelt on, we're going to the aquarium so we can talk, and maybe actually have a good time." He interrupts me. I still want more answers.

Why does this matter to me so much? Why did I blow up on him? Because he wouldn't give me any explanation! But at the same time, should I really he stressing over this? I'm so confused.

"You seriously need to think about something else, you look like you want to kill me." He laughs.

"Because I do." I joke back. Except part of me is telling the truth, I want to unbuckle my seatbelt and strangle him.

"Good thing I'm taking you to a public place, I just need to survive the car ride there. But who knows, you might even kill me there. You're unpredictable." He explains.

Is he kidding around or was that meant to be a compliment?

I can't help but smile. What is going on with this kid.

"And you're pretty hard to figure out." I sort of think that's an understatement.

"Do you think you're gonna be cold when we get in there?" He asks, while parking.

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