Ch. 12

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"April." I hear Bonnie at the door. "Come out. Please." Her voice sounds desperate.

I open the door and collapse into Bonnie. She holds me tightly as I sniffle over her waitress uniform. "Come on. You need a drink."

"Drinking is what caused this." I splutter.

"No. A hot drink. When Kaiser gets in he'll be drunk and drugged. He'll want the bed, okay, so being in here isn't the best place to be if you want to avoid him." She pulls away and takes my hand. "Come on." She pulls me downstairs to go to the kitchen.

"I'm so angry Bonnie. I don't even give a shit where he sleeps. He can sleep in the fucking garden for all I care." I bite my lip and collide my hand with the picture frame on the wall. It falls to the ground and smashes against the floor.

"April, relax. Let's calm down first before we make an decisions."

I honestly cannot be arsed arguing with her. I nod with a sigh and continue to follow her down the stairs and through the hallway. We enter the kitchen.

Gold is stood, leaning over the kitchen island, staring at the whiskey in his glass. He sees me and stands up straight. "I'm so sorry you saw that April."

I burst in tears again. I'm not just upset and betrayed, I'm angry and frustrated too.

"Fuck. April, please stop." He wraps his arms around me tightly, the side of my head pressing against his shoulder. He shushes me, his head resting on mine. "He'll be home soon."

I take deep breaths. "G-Good." I reply, pulling back from him.

"Do you wanna go back upstairs?" Bonnie asks.

"Fuck that." I answer, standing beside Gold and leaning against the worktops. "He needs to see what he's done to me and how upset I am. What a fucking dickhead!"

"Just hear him out. I saw it too April and it's clear that he was fucked. I think he thought he was kissing you." Molly says, stroking my arm. "We will get to the bottom of it."

"I can't believe Marie didn't pull away." I sigh.

"You're joking, right? She likes him. Think about when you met her and she hated you. And then when working together she would be touching him and the compliments too." Bonnie scoffs.

I think about the footage from tonight and last week. "Yeah. I just thought she was playing his girlfriend really well. I didn't realise it was actually her playing out some sort of fucking fantasy."

"God, I hope she comes home with Dad." Molly says through gritted teeth, her jaw clenching. She bangs her fist into her palm.

"You and me both, Baby." Bonnie agrees angrily yet gently places a hand on her angry girlfriend's shoulder.

"I fucking loathe the dosser." Gold spits, placing the decanter down on the island.

The front door opens and immediately I hear arguing. I'm the first one through the kitchen door to see what is happening.

"There she is." Jack shouts, dragging Kaiser in tightly as he is styling a bust lip. "I'd get on my fucking knees if I were you." He throws him towards me.

"Jack, chill!" Bates argues, pointing Fury and Alex towards our direction whilst he locks the doors.

Kaiser collapses on the floor in front of my feet, falling on his front. He doesn't say anything or move for a while and then sits up a little and looks up at me. "Why are you crying?" He asks softly, looking at me with concern.

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