The monster under my bed is out to get me
I know it's there
it breathes in and out slowly
as if in a slumber
each night I dig deeper into my covers
as if they shield me from the worldThere's a monster under my bed
I've never seen it
but it has to look horrifying
blood shot eyes and a gaping mouth
strong arms to drag me into the deep voidI am furious at the monster under my bed
my worry produces eye bags
it keeps me awake in terror
this thing clouds my thoughts
days after my midnight frightsTonight monster under my bed is different
it's breath quickens
I try to block it but I cannot escape
it's pitiful whimpers
I creep my head below the bedI gasp softly at the monster under my bed
it's appearance is exactly what I expected
menacing fangs hang from its mouth
sharpened claws ready to tear me apart
but surprisingly I'm not terrifiedI'm not afraid of this monster under my bed
for it's not an it
it's a he
with the kindest eyes dipped in gold
and a face etched in terror
so I did the next unexpected thing
I smiled•
•There's a human above my bed
it is terrifying to think about
what would happen
if it ever found me
tonight I my courage broke and I sobbed
afraid of the tar dipped nightThe human above my bed
stares at me with wide eyes
it's lips twisted into a lopsided grin
I shudder remembering their warnings"The human above your bed
is not to be meddled with
those things of beauty only seduce you
into their lair of the dead"But the human above my bed's
voice is so sputtery
and it's face is not sculpted in pearls
this human is not an it
it's a her
so I did the nearly impossible
I grinned back"do you want to be friends?"
~inspired by one of my favorite webtoon shorts: The Monster Under My Bed~
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