Six weirdos

70 5 3

My alarm was showing almost 6 am, and no sleep went through my faded body.

I spent the night looking straight at the white ceiling, before i decided to sketch, and of course, only Yeonjun's face was displayed in my mind.

- I truly hate him. I cursed many times, drawing his graceful features lines.

I couldn't finish it, feeling like a burn out, i needed to breath some pure air.

My legs directed me to their mini house without even knowing why, but i found myself there, wearing my looney tunes pyjamas.

Before i could knock, the door wasn't locked. When i passed my head through, Soobin was faded on the sofa, Taehyun eating a sandwich cheering up Beomgyu and Kai who were playing video games, sitting on the floor, way too absorbed into it.

So absorbed that they didn't even notice i was standing there.

- What the fuck guys ? I asked, unintentionally scaring them.
- No YOU what the fuck ?! Yelled Taehyun.
- Shhtt you gonn' wake up the boss. Whispered Kai.
- Since when is Soobin the boss ? Asked Beomgyu.
- I don't know, it just sounded cool in my head. He shrugged his shoulders, getting his attention back to the tv screen.

The garage was still a mess inside, but more the usual than because of the painting session of yesterday.

- Why are you still awake ? I asked, getting inside.
- Why are you still awake AND here ? Taehyun asked back.
- You got a point, but can't you just answer instead of repeating my question ?
- Too boring, you want a sandwich too ? He proposed, showing off his.
- Euuh ... no thanks i'll pass my turn. When i looked around, Beomgyu was suddenly dead asleep on the crusty carpet while Kai was trying hard to keep his eyes opened. Where's Yeonjun ?
- How do you want me to know ?
- Because you're his friend ?
- Exactly, im his friend, not his girlfriend. I dont have to know everything he does.
- Aren't you even curious ?
- Hell yeah im, but i won't ask him. Next target, Kai fell asleep too.

With a left blanket, i covered them and was ready to leave when Taehyun said :

- We have a mattress, if you want to stay.
- Isn't it risky to sleep with you ?
- If Yeonjun hyung knows that i let you go, i don't wanna know what he'll do.
- Probably ... nothing ?
- True, but i don't wanna know, so stay.

I stopped for a second, balancing the pros and cons to stay and sleep with total strangers. What was i doing there anyways ?

Checking the clock on the fresh painted wall, 7:54, already too late to come back home with no one noticing.


- Where's the damn mattress ? I asked Taehyun, causing him to smile a proudly. The mattress wasn't so clean and new, but comfortable enough for me to close my eyes and sleep deeply.

- Isn't she going to wake up ? Asked a voice that sounded far.
- Let her, she must be tired.
- The coffee is getting cold.
- It is already iced dumbass.
- Why cant we drink it without her !
- Because i bought it for all of us.

Slowly, i started getting conscious again. I wasn't supposed to hear these voices,

where was i ? ...


I woke up suddenly and stood straight, causing everyone to gasp.

- So this is your normal way to wake up ? Asked Taehyun, still shocked.
- Pretty scary. Added Beomgyu.
- I-i didn't mean to sleep this much ... i said, highly embarassed.
- It's okay, we got plenty of funny photos that ... Smiled Kai widely while Yeonjun, standing there, gave him a deadly gaze that erased his smile. That we gonn' delete right away.
- What time is it ?
- Almost eleven. Replied Soobin, turning on the tv.
- Oh.
- Can we eat now ?! Exclamed Beomgyu.
- Sure, now that Y/N is awake. Yeonjun gave us a big box full of glazed donuts and a cup of iced coffee each. Hope you like coffee ?
- I never drank coffee. I smiled nervously.
- NEVER ? they all said simultaneously.
- Yes, stop bullying me !
- Guys, i think it's gonna be harder than what we thought. Sighed the youngest.
- Let's start now then. Taehyun stood up and went to the back of the garage.
- Start what ? I asked confused.
- Your relooking.

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