𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝!!! 01| 𝙎𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞×𝙔/𝙣

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THE BLOSSOM TREES BEAUTIFULLY FLUTTERED. Y/n and Sakamaki walked around the park, both held hands.

Sakamaki smiled brightly at her, "Y/n-Sama... Wanna get some crepes?" Y/n nodded, "Yeah!!! Crepes!!!!" She dragged him.

Sakamaki smiled as his eyes shown love and adore to Y/n. Her long/Short hair white hair danced in the wind.

The people around them stared at the two, they are shock on how tall the couple were.

Sakamaki 6'7, Y/n 5'9. Not to mention on how handsome and Beautiful the couples were.

They entered the bakery shop, Y/n rushed to the display, her eyes stared at all the sweets. Sakamaki smiled affectionately at her.

But he gave a death glare to the males looking at her. They looked away scared, Sakamaki would have kill them in a spot.

Y/n ordered a bunch of sweets, which he didn't mind at all. Sakamaki and Y/n talked about life, mostly Y/n did all the talking.

"Oi! Sakamaki! What's your real name?" He looked at her with a odd gaze. "Hm? Sakamaki is my last name... My first name is... I'll tell you soon."

Y/n pouted....


Satoru shot up, trio looked at him weirdly, "What's wrong, Gojo-Sensei?" Yuji asked.

Satoru scowled, "That tall dumb curse I making my sweet baby sister SAD!!!" he screeched the last part out.

Nobara irked, hammer in hand she marched right to him. Megumi yanked her back, "I'll kill him!!"

Megumi struggled, "I know! I want to but he's our teacher!!" Yuji tilted his head, "Huh?"

Back to The date...

Now, on the way to the carnival. Y/n pointed to the roller coaster, "Let's go!!" Sakamaki nodded, "Alright!"

They ran over to the line, Y/n and Sakamaki held hands as they ride the coaster.


The sun started to fall, Y/n and Sakamaki stared up to the sky. Y/n sighed, "Sakamaki... How did you become a curse?"

He didn't move or look at her, "Killed. I was filled with hate, until I met you...." His cheeks flushed.

Y/n giggled, "How cute~~" Sakamaki swatted her hand away in embarrassment.



"AHHHHH!!!!!! DAMN YOU SAKAMAKI!!!" Satoru yelled, he threw a tantrum. His students juts stared in complete disappointment.

Satoru cried and banged his fist to the ground, "NOOOO!!!!! WAHHHHH!!!" Maki and Nobara are so close on commiting arson.

Toge shook his, "Tuna...." He walked away with Panda. Nanami irked, "Gojo-San, please shut the Fuck up!"

Megumi made a dog symbol, "Demon dogs!" Shadow drones into dogs, they chase Satoru around the school.

"AHHHH!!!!!" He ran like a Maniac.

With The Couple....

Sakamaki sneezed, "Achoo!" Y/n patted his back, "Guess Satoru hating on you."

Sakamaki looked tired when his name said a loud, "That brainless idiot!" He growled, Y/n poked his cheek.

"Huh?" He was met with Y/n lip's contacting with his. The sun shined on them like they are the ones on a tv show.

Sakamaki eyes widen, he blushed, without any thoughts, he deepen the kiss by pulling on her waist.

They pulled away, Sakamaki looked away with a huge blush. He placed his hand over his mouth, Y/n smiled, "Aww! Embarrassed??"

She poked his cheek, her sunglasses tilted showing her eyes. Sakamaki made a quick motion, he grabbed her waist and slammed her against the tree.

He kissed her, Y/n was caught off guard by this. But soon, melted in the kiss.

Somewhere again...

Satoru tensed, "My sister is in danger is tingling!!!" Nanami smashed his book again his head.

"Leave them alone!!" Nanami yelled, Satoru laid on the ground, starfish style.

Shoko shook her head, "I don't get paid enough.."


At night, they spent together cuddling... Y/n as the small spoon, and Sakamaki as a Big spoon.

The stars twinkles, shooting stars appeared as if they were saying, "Good job man!"

The stars twinkles, shooting stars appeared as if they were saying, "Good job man!"

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Me: What the Fuck did I just do? A cringe ship chapter.... And this doesn't effect the main story...

I can't write romantic stuff due to me not interested in making them... I just need to watch more romantic shows.

I'm like I don't wanna publish this cause it's short!!! But, did it anyways.

𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮 ~ 𝙏𝙤𝙠𝙮𝙤 𝙍𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨×𝙂𝙤𝙟𝙤!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now