𝙈𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙔/𝙣-𝙎𝙖𝙢𝙖

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If Sakamaki never died, he became a human again. What will the story go?

Sakamaki Malleus.... A demon/Curse.... He turned into human, once again.. no longer curse by the gods.

Malleus a biggest simp for Y/n..... He got his wish to marry her...


"Hm..." He groaned, his arm reached and closed the blinds. His eyes trailed to a female who slept comfortable on him.

Her white messy hair, she had a sleeping mask on.

Sakamaki smiled, he brushed his hand on her hair. She moved, "Hmm.. Malleus?" Her morning voice was the best in his ears.

"Shh.... Go back to sleep, Darling..." He turned her over, Malleus is now revealed.

Y/n covered her face, "Nice..." He chuckled a deep one, Y/n blushed a bit. Malleus knew what she is talking about.

His well nice looking body— I meant his chest.... Nice toned— Good body...

Y/n sighed, she lifted her sleeping mask up, she revealed her ocean eyes. "Morning, Love..."

Malleus sighed, their door slammed open. Children ran in jumping on the bed, "Mama!! Papa!!! Wake up!!" He had black hair and blue eyes.

The other is calm, she gently went over to Y/n, her white hair and lime green eyes sparkled like Y/n ocean eyes.

"Mommy... I'm hungry!" She gently shook Y/n..

"Okay, Hun... I'll make breakfast, I have to get ready.." She smiled, her small figure crawled to Malleus.

"Daddy.... Mommy is making breakfast.. wake up.." She poked his cheek, Malleus groaned, "Daddy doesn't want to..."

The boy huffed, "Watch this!" He jumped high, Malleus peaked, his eyes now wide open.

"Hold up! (S/N)!" Too late, he landed on Malleus stomach.

(S/N) and (D/N) ate their breakfast as Malleus poked. He is still injured from the jump.

Y/n hummed, she flicked his forehead, "Ah!" He looked at her, "Not to daydream, Love."

"Sorry... When is the job?" He asked, Y/n sighed, "Um.... I have to design something..."

Malleus nodded, "Okay, I'll take care of the kids...." They smiled...

"Alright, kids... What do you do when you get kidnapped?" Malleus looked dead serious..

"Wrap them in thrones!!" (S/N) yelled, (D/N) fiddled her fingers, "Perish them with my Technique!" She said softly.

"Indeed! You have permission to kill them!" Malleus seemed proud if his caring skills.

"Let's get Gari gari kun!" They walked out the door.

"Hold up, my wallet!"


Y/n pouted, her co-worker noticed this, "Miss your fam?" Y/n nodded, "Yeah... I don't wanna design anymore!!!' she cried.

They rolled their eyes, "Typical...." Chole, she sighed, "Sakamaki... You can leave... Hang out with your family for once.."

Y/n smiled, "Aye!!! Thank you!" She disappeared.

She arrived while searching for their energy, "Hey!!! Mommy is back!-" She paused.

Malleus is wet, (S/N) and (D/N) stood dryed.....

"What happened?" She asked, (S/N) smiled widely, "Something happen!! I shoved papa in the water!!!"

(D/N) eyes trickled with tears, "I-i'm sorry..." Her lips quivered, Y/n gasped, she ran over to her daughter.

"Don't worry! You didn't do anything bad!" Y/n kissed her forehead, (D/N) hugged Y/n back.

(S/N) patted her head, "Hey, lil sis! Let's get ice cream! I'll pay!" He grinned,
(D/N) nodded, they held hands and ran to the ice cream shop.

Y/n stood as Malleus pouted, "You tall baby!" She smiled and hugged his tall figure.

"Darling... (S/N) was bullying me..." Y/n puffed her cheeks out, "How cute!" She hugged him.

Malleus nuzzled his face into her neck, gently nibbling.

"Let's go get ice cream too.."  Malleus calm voice said, Y/n nodded.

He felt his 'Protect his Y/n-Sama' mode activate. He shot his head to the group if males looking and licking their lips.

Malleus irked as flames appeared behind him, he smiled irritated. "Darling... Go on... Ill be right behind you..." He said, Y/n nodded, "Okeh!"

She ran off being oblivious to the whole thing, Malleus walked up to them, "Oi... You disgusting little brats... Looking at my wife like that.."

They growled, and looked at him, they noticed. They looked up, Malleus stood the same height, 202cm.

They gulped as his eyes glowed dangerously, "Fuck. Off. You. Brats." He slowly said, the ground shook slightly.

They nodded, and ran off.

He huffed and walked back to the ice cream shop, Y/n had a cup for him, "Yo! Mint and cookie dough!"

Malleus smiled, "Thank you, Darling!" He ate happily with his family.

Later at night|

Y/n slept softly on his chest, Malleus gently smiled, "How beautiful ❤️" he whispered.

"My love for you, Y/n-Sama...."

They lived happily together, if this was the real ending...

This would have happened....


[Hello! I'm writing this at night and im really tired to tyrpe so any mistake is my fault. I'm tired, like really, but decided to suck up and do this I haven't posted on this.. a striy.. well, good night or morning.... ]

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