Chapter Five: So We Meet Again

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Liam's Pov

At the moment we were outside. My brothers and their girlfriends.

There was Kayla,Louis' girlfriend. She was amazing she made everybody laugh and occasionally got in trouble with Louis.

There was Payton,Zayn's girlfriend. She was a bit mysterious like Zayn but was very hyper.

There was Anna, Nialls girlfriend. She was a really sweet girl who happened to love food like Niall.

Then there was Amy,Harry's girlfriend. She was really kind and cute.

Me well, I am single. Don't really have anyone in mind.

Back to right now. We were currently in the meadow,running around,nothing out of the ordinary.

"Harry,Louis,Niall,and Zayn!" I heard mother call,"I need you please."

"Coming!"Zayn called back.

They headed back towards the house along with their girlfriends. I wondered why she didn't need me. I decided to sit down on the big rock a few feet away from me.

I heard a strange sing-song sound coming from behind me.

I turned around to see the Princess walking towards me. She was singing the most beautiful song ever.

"Far over the misty mountains cold.

To dungeons deep, and caverns old.

We must away,at break of day.

To find our long forgotten gold.

The pines were roaring on the height.

The winds were moaning in the night.

The fire was red, it flaming spread.

The trees like torches blazed with light." She sang.

She stopped walking when she saw me.

"Oh!" She gasped,clearly shocked." I didn't know anyone else knew about this meadow."

"Only my brothers and I do." I told her." Princess, you have a beautiful voice."

"Thank you." She said as she took a seat next to me." Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course princess."

"That song," she whispered," is a song for dragon slaying."

I looked at her shocked.

"When you see a dragon you sing it and it will fall asleep. But it only works for certain people."

"Does it work for you?"I asked her

"I wouldn't know that silly." She laughed."I never slayed a dragon."

"Right, only knights do."

"Or very brave villagers." She paused."Liam?"

"Yes Princess?"

"Do you believe in live at first sight?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Why?"I asked

"No particular reason." She said

My heart was pounding. Why did she want to know that? What if- don't be silly she can't date you, your not royalty.

"Liam I have to tell you something really important."

"Go on."

"I really like you!" She blurted out.

My eyes grew wide.

"I-I-I." I really couldn't get it out. I was so shocked. She, a princess, liked me.

When I didn't answer I think she got scared.

"I have to go." She mumbled be fore getting up.

"Wait!" I said.

She spun around.

I came over and kissed her cheek softly."Meet me here tomorrow. Around high noon."

She nodded her head before she ran off.

I ran towards the house. Dear lord, how do I explain this to my brothers.

A/N: How do you think Liam will explain it? Also feedback?

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