I wake up to the sun shinning in my face and my back was killing me so i sit up stretching out

Drew : stop moving

He pushs me and i look at him and he sticks his middle finger at me

Tegan : mean

I lay back down

Drew : u woke me
Tegan : and u wouldn't stop moving in the night
Drew : neither would u god u are like the worse person to sleep with
Tegan : if i was so bad the floor was there
Drew ; no i wanted to be close to u
Tegan ; then stop complaining
Drew ; u were complaining aswell
Tegan : meh
Drew ; meh

He sits up and then lays back down on my stomach and i was gonna say something but i don't and i play with his hair

Tegan ; Bet u have a lovely view of my double chin
Drew : no
Tegan : shock

We both go quiet and it was nice lisening to the birds and looking up at the sky

Drew : whats the craziest thing thats ever Happend to u
Tegan ; um...u first let me think
Drew : it was like my 2nd or 3rd time getting high with my friends so after smoking me and my friends thought it would be a smart idea to go into the woods . Pitch black with nothing on us apart from our phones with no service. So walking throw the woods and i was tripping i thought the trees had faces . And the wind sounded like screams to me i was freaking the fuck out . So me and all my friends went running then i thought someone was chasing me so kept looking behind me next thing i know i went into a yree

I burst out laughing

Tegan : oh god i wanna see u trip
Drew : i don't trip anymore and when i get high i do at my place and i don't leave
Tegan : damn gotta get u on the stronger stuff
Drew : weed is my limit anything else no
Tegan : good boy
Drew : yh now u
Tegan : ok i have one so in the uk it was absolutely boiling i sweating in my bed and though screw it I'm gonna sleep naked and use no covers . So i took all my clothes off threw my covers on the floor and i manged to fall asleep . I then got woken up by a police officer at the end of my bed and there i am butt ass naked the first and only time i will sleep naked
Drew : male or female officer
Tegan : male
Drew : bet he had a treat going in there
Tegan: maybe i dunno
Drew : why were the police at yours
Tegan ; oh my boyfriend didn't shut the door completely and someone called the police cause they thought my place had been robbed. So the police came and went throw my cameras around my place and he just didn't shut the door
Drew : damn so by him not shutting the door completely anyone could have gone in seen u naked could have killed u
Tegan : yh but it was an accident the door is dogie as hell
Drew : fair
Andy : well aren't u to close
Drew ; I'm comfortable
Tegan; so am i
Andy ; close to close for my liking
Tegan ; ok and
Andy : ooo the sass in that

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; wheres tall
Andy : still asleep i came to get a drink I'm going back to bed now
Tegan ; its 11 o'clock
Andy : yh and i didn't sleep much last night so goodbye
Tegan ; probably gonna go in a minute so thank u for last night
Andy : that's ok I'll see u soon.
Tegan: yh
Drew : bye

He walks back inside and i sit up

Drew ; no
Tegan ; what
Drew : lay back down

I grab his face squashing his face

Tegan : no

He fake crys and i shake my head

Drew : mean I'm gonna tell everyone u aren't as nice as everyone thinks u are
Tegan ; and I'll tell everyone your clingy bitch

He sits up looking at me

Drew ; why u being mean to me
Tegan : I'm not

I get up and i jump off the trampoline and pull the hood over my head

Drew : where u going
Tegan: home so i can get some proper kip
Drew : what does kip mean
Tegan : sleep
Drew : either speak in a language i understand or teach me this slang
Tegan : I'll teach u slang eventually
Drew ; uhh then speak in a language i understand cause i had no clue what kip or what ever the one was from last night
Tegan ; clapped
Drew : that
Tegan: I'll teach u some soon
Drew ; thank u

I skip inside and i pack all my stuff up in my bag and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and i walk out

Drew ; oi is that my jumper
Tegan: yh its warm thank u for letting me wear it
Drew: when the fuck did u put that on
Tegan ; last night i was cold i saw your jumper next u and i thought i don't care if its yours I'm cold and I'm wearing it so thank u

I take the jumper off handing it to him

Drew ; thanks
Tegan : no thank u for sleeping out side with me when u didn't have to
Drew : it was nice only thing i didn't like is that it was a trampoline if u moved the whole thing moved
Tegan ; yh next time it will be comfortable
Drew : there will be a next time
Tegan; i hope so anyway...I'm gonna go nap so see u round
Drew : hmm ok
Tegan: bye
Drew : bye

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive home

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