Cuddly Minou

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It was like being under house arrest.

When Adrien got home, his father was nowhere to be seen. More than likely in his office still working. Not wanting to disturb him, Adrien trudged to his room, momentarily considering slamming it behind him before thinking better of it.

Setting his bag down on the bed, Plagg zipped out of his shirt and flew around the room freely, sighing with content.

"Thank god. Do you have any idea how bad you stink?"

Adrien crossed his arms defiantly, raising an eyebrow at the cheeky Kwami.

"This coming from the creature who is obsessed with stinky cheese."

"You're just too young to understand the sophistication." He replied, crossing his arms in indignation.

Adrien rolled his eyes, fishing his textbooks out of his satchel as he walked over to his desk and started on his homework.

Homework done and dinner eaten, Adrien was restless, unable to decide what he wanted to do. Scrubbing his hands down his face, Adrien stands up and holds his ring out.

"Plagg, claws out!" He called with a smirk as the little black cat cried out in protest before disappearing into the ring.

Now fully transformed, Chat Noir took off out the bedroom window into the Parisian evening skyline.

Before Chat realised where he was going, he found himself perched on the railing of the balcony of Marinette's house. Jumping down silently from the railing, Chat slowly made his way over to the skylight, peaking into it to look for the girl he'd come to see.

Glancing around the dimly lit room, Chat's eyes focused on the peacefully slumbering form of Marinette, hair down and half covering her face as she slept with her mouth open wide.

"So beautiful." He found himself whispering.

"Like a princesse."

Chat contemplated opening the skylight and dropping in, but decided against it when he realised it would probably seem creepy and stalker-ish.

Quietly rapping his knuckles on the glass. He watched as Marinette slowly stirred below, her eyes blinking heavily as she struggled to adjust to the low light.

"Chat?" She asked, confused. Standing up on her bed, she opened the latch on the skylight, allowing Chat to open it and hop down onto the bed with her. Reaching back up, he carefully closed the skylight after him before sitting cross-legged down on the bed.

"What is un chat errant in my bed?" She questioned, a tired eyebrow raised questioningly.

"I'm sorry for waking you, Princesse."

"Minou, what are you doing here?" She asked as she tiredly fisted her eye, her voice rough with sleep.

"I-I... Just wanted the company." He admitted, his ears folding back against his hair.

"And you had to wake me up for it, Chaton?" She yawned loudly.

"Je suis désolé, Princesse." He replied in a hushed tone, tenderly cupping her cheek.

"Merci, Minou." She murmured, blinking heavily.

"What do you want to do then, Minou?"

Chat took in her dishevelled appearance for the first time since landing on her bed.

Marinette was dressed in a pair of pink cotton drawstring pants and a thin strapped singlet with pink polka-dots on the white fabric and midnight black straps and seem that ran over her chest and around her back.

Chat gulped thickly as he noticed just how form fitting her shirt was, highlighting the curve of her breasts and hips. Two bumps were risen under the fabric, having reacted from the cold evening air, the mere sight of them starting stirrings south of his belt.

Clearing his throat, Chat leant back against the wall, creating some needed distance between them, lest he launch himself at her and attack her with his mouth, letting his hands roam all over her body, his identity be damned.

But his heart belonged to Ladybug, and he couldn't betray her like that.

He was already technically pushing the boundaries with the current arrangement he held with Marinette as Adrien.

"I couldn't settle. I thought that maybe..."

"Maybe..." She prompted, waiting expectantly.

"Maybe we could... Cuddle?" He suggested, ears falling impossibly flat against his head, flinching as he prepared for her to berate him for the suggestion.

"Cuddle? Chaton wants to cuddle?" She cooed teasingly.

"Go back to sleep, Princesse." He whispered.

"You're not going to watch me sleep, are you?" She asked, raising an accusatory eyebrow.

Raising a hand to his heart and another at shoulder height, Chat gave his best smouldering grin.

"Chat's honour."

Sighing in defeat, too tired to argue further, Marinette lay back against her mattress, sinking into its plush comfort as she felt the blankets being pulled up to her shoulders.

Just as she was starting to drift off, Marinette felt the covers lift at the corner next to her before a shiver ran through her body as she felt cold leather coming in contact with exposed skin. Chat curled himself around her, pulling her in close to him, his hand coming to rest against her toned midsection, as he settled into the pillows beside her.

"Bonne nuit, Princesse." Chat Noir whispered, his breath warm against the back of her neck.

"Bonne nuit, Minou." She mumbled in reply, shuffling back against him as she settled into his arms, much to Chat's surprise, before he broke into a soft smile and let his eyes slip closed.

When Chat awoke the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that there was a familiar warmth against him.

The second thing.

This was not his bed.

Eyes springing open, Chat looked down at Marinette still peacefully slumbering next to him, his transformation having dissipated while they slept, leaving him lying next to her at Adrien.

Wanting nothing more than to lie back down and go back to sleep cuddled behind her, Adrien knew that if Marinette woke up to find Adrien instead of Chat Noir in bed next to her, it would not go over well.

Not to mention Master Fu would be furious.

Sitting up carefully, trying his hardest to not stir her, Adrien leant over, brushing her fringe out of her eyes, and placed a delicate kiss on her forehead before carefully standing up and transforming into Chat, much to Plagg's annoyance at being roused so early from sleep, and leaping out the skylight.

As Chat traversed through the rooftops of Paris in the early morning light.

Before he could think better of it, Chat snuck down into a building, easily able to navigate the pitch-black room to find what he was looking for.

Taking two boxes and a bottle down from the shelf, Chat walked over to the counter and pulled some money out from his suit pocket which more than covered the fee, leaving the same way he came before anyone was awake enough to notice a black leather clad boy leaping out of the roof of a chemist.



un chat errant - Stray cat

Je suis désolé, Princesse - I'm sorry, Princess

Bonne nuit - Good night

Chaton - Kitten

Minou - Kitty

Adrinette Comfort Kisses - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now