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When Marinette heard a knock on the door, she momentarily panicked thinking Adrien had come back.

But to her relief and disappointment, the voice on the other side of the door was not who was causing her such inner turmoil.

"Marinette? You okay, girl?" Alya asked tentatively opening the door a crack.

Upon hearing Marinette sniff and whimper, Alya's trepidation evaporated and she shoved the door open, firmly closing it behind her before rushing over to her friend's side.

"Marinette, what's wrong? Talk to me girl." She said hurriedly, rubbing gentle soothing circles on her friend's back while she sobbed quietly.

"I told him, Alya." She whispered.

"Told him what?"

Then it clicked.

"OH MY GOD! You told him!" Alya exclaimed.

"Why aren't you celebrating? This is amazing!"

Marinette shook her head before messily brushing tears from her cheeks.

"I told him when I was concussed."

A soft 'oh' was all that escaped Alya's lips from this new information.

"I was out of it and I let it slip. He thinks I meant it as a friend. He told me that he loved me too. Same as he loved you and Nino and Chloe. That he loves all his friends." Said Marinette, unsuccessfully choking back a sob.

"Oh, Marinette. I'm so sorry."

Alya couldn't think of anything else to do but continue to rub her back and hug her.

What was she supposed to say to news like this?

She had half a mind to talk some sense into that completely blind boy herself, but she knew that Marinette would never forgive her if she did.

Marinette wanted to tell him herself on her own terms.

Alya just hoped that the next time she told him, he actually believed her.

Marinette ended up getting picked up from School early by her father, the nurse having decided that it would be better for her to recover at home than in the sterile environment of her office.

And for Marinette, she couldn't get out of there fast enough.

The memories of what happened there too painful to stay.

Safely tucked into bed, Sabine brought her some broth soup, which Marinette accepted gratefully, and an icepack to try and bring down the bruising and swelling further.

Tikki kept a watchful eye over her charge, making sure to notice any change in behaviour and alert her parents if necessary, even if it meant revealing herself to them.

Marinette's health was far more important.

"It's looking much better." Tikki told Marinette, trying to reassure her with a half-hearted smile.

"Thanks Tikki. I'm gonna have a nap." She informed her Kwami, rolling over and closing her eyes, but Tikki noticed the despondent sadness on her face and it made her little heart break.

Battling internally, Tikki decided it was for the best and with a quick kiss on Marinette's forehead, flew off into the streets of Paris.

"Master!" Tikki called frantically, phasing through the door in search of Master Fu.


"Tikki? Where is Marinette?" Master Fu asked, his eyes slowly opening from his seat on the mat, his meditation having been interrupted.

"Master, please, I know we cannot reveal ourselves to each other, but I feel that if we don't, Marinette..."

"Start from the beginning, Tikki." Master Fu instructed calmly, standing up slowly, Wayzz coming to float at his master's shoulder.

"Please master, summon Plagg here. It would be best if we discussed it with him here as well." She begged, the anxiety on her face enough to concern the elderly Chinese man to agree.

"Wayzz, please fetch Plagg."

"Yes, Master." Wayzz bowed before zipping away at a speed that wouldn't customarily be associated with a turtle.

When Wayzz finally returned, Plagg was following close behind him.

"I was promised cheese if I came." He stated, crossing his arms at the inconvenience of having to come, looking around the room, Plagg noticed Tikki and broke into a smile.

"Sugar cube! Wait, what are you doing here?" He asked sceptically.

"I asked for you to come here." She replied, looking back at Master Fu, ignoring Plagg's confused expression.

"Now that we are all here, why don't you tell us what you summoned us all here for." Master Fu said evenly.

Tikki nodded and cleared her throat nervously before floating forward before she spoke.

"Master, we all know of the love square that has happened between our charges." Tikki said, indicating to Plagg.

"Marinette is in love with Adrien, Chat Noir is in love with Ladybug. Both are the opposite side of the same coin but neither of them know. It is killing Marinette that he just thinks of her as a friend. If he knew she was Ladybug, he would realise that they are both in love with the same person."

"What are you trying to say, Tikki?" Master Fu asked, arching an eyebrow sceptically.

"Sugar cube, you aren't suggesting what I think you are, are you?" Plagg exclaimed in disbelief, mouth open wide in shock.

"I'm afraid it's come to that, Plagg. Master, Ladybug and Chat Noir have to tell each other who they are. I wouldn't ask if I didn't think we had another option. But I've never seen Marinette so upset. And the relationship that her and Adrien currently have is not healthy. They need to know who the other is before it effects their hero partnership."

"I understand your concern, Tikki, but I still don't think it's wise."

"Then I request permission to encourage them towards telling each other themselves rather than forcing it." She retorted, utter determination on her tiny features.

"I-I agree with Tikki." Plagg spoke up, flying over till he was beside Tikki.

"The kid is completely oblivious and it's driving me crazy! With Tikki's help, I think we can make them realise. Plus it means I will be able to spend more time with my Sugar cube." He smirked, staring lovingly at Tikki, much to her irritation, rolling her eyes at his antics.

Master Fu sighed heavily, shaking his head.

"I suppose history repeats itself. The Cat and Ladybug are destined to fall in love no matter their holder. You have my permission to 'assist' them with discovering their feelings for one another. But with as little interference as possible. Matters of the heart are delicate."

"Yes Master." Both kwamis replied, bowing before sighing in relief and flying off to their respective owner, already plotting how to get them together.

Adrinette Comfort Kisses - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now