Safety of the Bakery

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Tom walked over from the bakery and picked up the still shaking boy, carrying him up the stairs where Sabine was waiting to fuss over him.

"What happened?" Sabine asked.

"It's a long story, Maman. But he's really shaken and..."

"Say no more. You two get settled on the couch and I'll make some tea."

"Merci, Maman. " She smiled softly, walking with her father to the couch, wrapping him in the weighted blanket they had once he was carefully put down.

"Mon chou? Est ce que tu vas mieux? " Marinette asked.

"Oui. Merci, Marinette."

"De rien, minou." She smiled, wrapping the blanket around him. "This blanket should help. My parents bought it for me a few Christmases ago to help with my anxiety. It works wonders." She assured him, pushing his hair off his forehead as she lent in and kissed the clammy skin, sitting down next to him.

Marinette turned on the TV and flicked on the most childish and tame movie she could think of.

One with the least threatening villains and least confronting to his already fragile mental state.

Disney's Cars.

"Here you are, mes chéris." Sabine said as she placed the tray of tea down on the coffee table.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked gently.

"No, maman. He doesn't." Marinette answered for him.

"Don't worry, mon chéri, you can stay here as long as you need." She told him, leaning down to press a motherly kiss on his forehead, only for Adrien to reach out for a hug, which Sabine happily supplied, holding him against her chest as she sang a soft lullaby in Mandarin.

Oh, how he'd missed the feeling of his mother holding him, singing him to sleep.

He didn't realise how much he missed it till Sabine held him safely in her arms, singing softly to him as she rubbed gentle circles on his back as he drifted off to sleep.

"Marinette, he needs to be held. Hop in the corner and I'll give him to you. I have to get back to the bakery."

Marinette nodded and quickly scrambled over to the other side of the couch, getting the pillows ready behind her, lay back and opened her arms, waiting for her mother to place him in her waiting arms.

Adrien fussed slightly at being moved, but easily settled in Marinette's arms, nuzzling into her chest, drifting back to a seemingly peaceful sleep, letting her mum scurry back downstairs to help her husband with the customers.

Or at least Marinette thought it would be peaceful.

She was wrong.

About halfway through the movie, Adrien started to twitch and pant, sweat beading on his brow as he started to mutter in his sleep.

"Adrien?" She whispered.

"N-no... Please!" He muttered.

"Minou, it's okay. Wake up." She whispered, holding him closer.

"D-don't make me! I-I can't..."

"Adrien. You're dreaming, mon chou." She told him, slightly louder this time, cupping his face to try and focus him.

"D-don't make me hurt her!"

"Adrien. It's not real. It's okay." She said louder, holding him tightly against her.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" He screamed, his eyes springing open in a sweaty panic, panting heavily, eyes manically darting around the room until they landed on Marinette.

"Merci dieu!" He panted, holding her tightly as he buried his face in her chest, listening to her heartbeat, reassuring him she was indeed still alive.

But it was then he realised that he'd fallen asleep on her.

"O-oh. I'm sorry, Marinette. I shouldn't have... I didn't mean to..."

"It's not the first time you've fallen asleep on me and it likely won't be the last, minou." She told him gently.

"Y-you... Chat Blanc... You were..." He stuttered, struggling to breathe as he started to hyperventilate.

"I'm right here." She said softly.

"You died. And it was my fault. It was all my fault. And he laughed at me. Told me I wanted this, but how could I want this, I would never want this! I love you! I can't lose you. I can't..."

Marinette cut him off, roughly pressing her lips to his, effectively ceasing his word vomit and reassuring him she was alright.

Sighing against her mouth, he leaned into the kiss and meshed his lips with hers with a feverish urgency that Marinette struggled to keep up with.

It wasn't until his hand started to go up her shirt that they froze and realised what they were doing and slowly separated their mouths, albeit while neither of them actually wanted to do so.

Both turn away with furious blushes on their faces, thoroughly embarrassed as to how quickly that escalated, but both desperately wanting to throw caution to the wind and kiss again.

But Adrien knew he couldn't.

He couldn't fully trust himself yet and the last thing he wanted was for his princesse to get hurt.

They sit up and drink the now cold tea that her mother left for them, falling into a comfortable silence, switching to working on some homework once the movie finished.

They inevitably made their way upstairs to her room, where they decided to take another nap on her bed, Adrien curled up on her chest with his hand absentmindedly holding her breast.

Just as Marinette was starting to drift off herself, she felt him start to twitch and felt his breath become shallow and uneven.

"Shh." She soothed gently. "It's okay, minou. I'm here. I'm okay. And I'm not going anywhere." She continued as she gently scraped her nails over his scalp, feeling him slowly relax and start to purr, snuggling deeper into her side.



Mon chou? Est ce que tu vas mieux? - My sweet? Are you feeling better?
De rien, minou - You're welcome, kitty
mes chéris - (plural) my darlings
Merci dieu! - Thank God!

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