Coming into focus

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Still fuming from their fight, Adrien stormed off to his room, slamming his door with far more force than required before sitting down heavily on his bed, staring at the floor, hands still shaking slightly with anger.

Plagg, flying out of Adrien's shirt, left the disgruntled teen to his own devices, knowing it would be better to let him calm down a bit before trying to talk to him, heading for his cheese fridge instead.

Adrien's eyes drifted to his bedside table where he knew the condoms, he'd 'purchased' what seemed like a lifetime ago now, resided.

Shrugging his shoulders, figuring 'why not,' Adrien opened the drawer and pulled out of the foil packets, putting it on the table beside him after closing the draw again.

Swinging his legs onto the bed, Adrien started unbuckling his jeans, pulling the zipper down only to realise that in his haste to get dressed at Marinette's, he had left his underwear behind.

Cursing his carelessness, Adrien shoved the thought out of his mind and pushed his pants down until they were pooled around his ankles.

Taking himself in hand, Adrien slowly pumped his hand up and down his shaft, feeling it pulse as it slowly engorged, becoming harder and harder as he pumped himself.

Once he was stiff enough, Adrien rolled over and took the foil packet in hand, tearing it open and rolled the latex balloon over and down his shaft, the tightness of it taking him by surprise, until the rubber band reached the base of him, resting just above his balls.

He observed himself with curiosity, noting the small bubble at the tip, not completely sure what its purpose was.

Shrugging, Adrien took himself firmly in hand again and resumed his ministrations.

Pumping his hand up and down his shaft rapidly, Adrien's mind began to wander to particular features that aroused him.

Perky breasts.

Round but firm rear.

The indescribable smell and taste of a vagina.

The fascinating beauty of it.

Adorable freckles dusted on the nose.

Raven hair resting comfortably on the shoulders.

The last two confused Adrien.

An image of a naked Marinette flashing in his mind as he felt himself edging closer and closer towards his orgasm.

Adrien struggled to pull his thoughts and emotions back into check, but it felt so good and remembering the way she writhed and squirmed under his touch, the feel of her hand and mouth around him were enough to drive him crazy.

Adrien's mind drifted to the moment before he left her.

The soft whisper of her love for him.

He abruptly fell over the edge, groaning softly as he spilled himself into the condom, whispers of affection spilling from his lips, not quite understanding what they meant.

Confused as ever, Adrien stared at the ceiling and furrowed his brow in contemplation.

Why on earth had remembering her whisper that she loved him sent him over the edge?

And why did similar declarations fall out of his own mouth?

'Could I...? No.' Adrien thought to himself, pushing the confusing thoughts and feelings into the back of his mind as he slowly sat up.

Looking down, panting hard as he struggled to regain his breath, it dawned on him what the bubble at the tip was for.

With shaky legs, he walked over to his bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the water heat up.

Rolling the condom off, being extra cautious not to spill its contents, Adrien tied the end in a knot and threw it in his bathroom trashcan before stripping off his shirts and stepping into the blissfully warm stream of water.

He let the water wash away the dirt and grime that had accumulated on his skin over the past few days, scrubbing himself clean with the special soap his father insisted he uses.

Once he was finished with the soap, the thoughts he had pushed back resurfaced with a vengeance.

So much so Adrien couldn't quieten the screaming in his head, clouding all other thoughts except one.

"I think I like Marinette."

"Well, it's about damn time!" Plagg called from the other side of the door, phasing through, covering his eyes with his paws.

"What are you talking about, Plagg?" Adrien asked, turning off the water as he stepped out and started to dry himself off.

"I promised Master Fu I wouldn't get involved, but mad kid, you are so dense!" Plagg groaned, turning his back to Adrien, groaning overdramatically in irritation.

"What? I don't understand." He replied, wrapping his towel around his waist.

"You're in love with her!" Plagg shouted.

Adrien froze, letting the idea slowly compute in his brain.

Was Plagg right?

Did he love Marinette?

But he thought he was in love with Ladybug?

Could he be in love with more than one person at a time?

The flurry of thoughts and questions that hit him all once were almost enough to knock him off his feet.

Trying his best to steady himself, Adrien walked slowly back into his bedroom and got changed for lunch, his stomach growling loudly.

Informing the Chef what he wanted, Adrien patiently waited for his food to be prepared, quickly typing a text to Marinette to let her know he was home safe and sound.

Her response was instantaneous.

'I'm so glad, mon chou.'

Adrien smiled at the nickname, his heart rate spiking ever so slightly.

'Wish I was still there. Would have much preferred to have lunch with you guys.' He replied.

All of a sudden, his phone vibrated in his hand, making him jump at the unexpectedness of it before he realised Marinette was trying to video chat with him.

Smiling softly to himself, Adrien accepted the call and saw Marinette's beautiful face grace his screen.

"Hey, Adrien." She greeted warmly.

"Mari." He grinned, his heart feeling that much lighter seeing her smiling face.

"And my parents are here too." She informed him, turning her phone around to show her parents beaming at his image on her phone.

"Hello, Adrien. Such a shame you had to run off like that, but I suppose it couldn't be helped." Sabine smiled softly before taking a mouthful of delicious looking pork fried rice.

Adrien's mouth watered, wishing now more than ever he could be there, missing the company and Sabine and Tom's incredible cooking.

Adrinette Comfort Kisses - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now