Chat's Morning Glory

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The pair stayed up for a while longer, having moved to the bed to talk.

Not really about anything in particular, but enjoying each other's company nevertheless.

As exhaustion slowly took over them, the pair moved to the pillows, pulling the covers up over their legs as the continued to talk, nodding off every now and then.

Shifting further down into the blankets, Marinette found herself curling up on his chest, smirking when he started to purr loudly in content, already half asleep.

Settling in, Marinette let herself be lulled to sleep by the quiet breathing and rhythmic beating of his heart, her eyes slipping closed slowly as exhaustion overtook her.

The following morning, Adrien woke in a bed that was not his.

And he wasn't alone.

Images of the night before danced to the forefront of his mind, a tired smile making its way to his lips as he pulled back the sleep mask to look at his beautiful Marinette in front of him, his arm wrapped around her as he held her close to him.

Unable to help himself, Adrien leant forward and placed a feather light kiss on her cheek, flinching slightly when he felt her stir, worrying that he'd woken her.

Much to his relief, she simply rolled over to face him, still sound asleep, draping an arm over his hip as she snuggled deeper into his chest.

"Mmm..." She muttered.

"I love you Adrien." She murmured with a sleepy smile.

Adrien froze, terrified that she was awake and discovered his true identity, potentially mad at him for abusing his alter ego.

He felt her place a kiss on his chest before she snuggled in closer, nuzzling against him.

He couldn't contain the grin that erupted on his face, relieved that she was still sleeping peacefully.

Dropping a kiss on her hair, Adrien froze as he felt a stirring below his navel.

He furrowed his brow in confusion, unsure what was happening, before Marinette wrapped a leg over his hip, unintentionally pressing her warm core against his rather uncomfortable erection, grinding into him slightly as she tried to get more comfortable, only making him harder.

Adrien struggled to control himself, his unruly hormones slowly getting the better of him till he found himself blushing furiously as he rocked himself against her, biting his lip to contain the moan that so desperately wanted to escape.

He knew he shouldn't be doing this.

He was fully aware of how wrong it was to be taking advantage of her like this.

But bon dieu did it feel incredible.

Guilt overwhelmed him as his rocking gradually gained intensity, glancing up at her to see her soft features covered in a lightly blush, her breathing a bit more shaky, matching his own laboured breathing.

Strengthening his resolve, Adrien carefully untangled her limbs from his and backed away, replacing his body with a pillow, which she immediately drew in close to her, wrapping herself around it.

Adrien smiled softly at the sight, his heart fluttering in his chest.

Shaking his head, pushing the feeling away, Adrien stood up and as silently as possible made his way down the ladder towards her bathroom.

Pulling the door closed behind him, Adrien leaned heavily back against it, looking down at his crotch in frustration, his erection twitching, straining under the taught fabric of his boxers.

Adrinette Comfort Kisses - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now