Bakery Aftercare

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Marinette stayed with Adrien until he was strong enough to leave, the akuma residue leaving him having taken a nasty toll on him.

She watched over him at Master Fu's as he slept with his head on her lap while she stroked his hair gently.

He slowly stirred and rolled to look up at her.

"Marinette?" He asked slowly.

"Yeah, I'm here, minou." She whispered, stroking his cheek gently.

"What happened?" He asked, leaning into her hand sleepily.

"Master Fu helped get some of the residual akuma out of you. Tikki ate it."

"You ate it?" He asked, blinking heavily up at Tikki who was floating next to Marinette's head.

Tikki smiled and blushed softly.

"Merci, Tikki." He smiled.

"My sugar cube is awesome." Plagg stated, nuzzling against Tikki before flying down to nuzzle and purr against Adrien's cheek.

"Je t'aime aussi, Plagg." He replied, rubbing his cheek against Plagg, purring softly in reply.

"He will need some time to rest. I recommend keeping an eye on him to ensure that the treatment was successful." Master Fu said gently.

"Adrien, I will need you to come see me several times a week to work through the mental trauma you've been struggling with so you can assist Ladybug again with protecting the city."

"Merci, Master Fu." He murmured, nuzzling his face against Marinette's stomach, feeling loved from everyone in the room.

Marinette texted Nathalie and Alya to let them both know that Adrien still wasn't ready to return to school and she was going to take him home to look after him.

Nathalie replied that she would advise Adrien's Père and he was free to stay the night if required.

Alya replied she would tell the teachers and let them know they might not be there for a few days. She also advised she would talk to Nino and ensure that he didn't slip up again.

They made their way to the bakery, and once inside, Sabine wasn't the least bit surprised and quickly whisked the teens upstairs, fussing over Adrien.

She immediately wrapped Adrien in a hug, showering his head with affectionate kissed, smiling softly when she felt him relax in the embrace and hug her back.

"Come on, mon chéri, I'll make you some soup." She told him, guiding him to the couch, wrapping him up in a blanket.

Adrien smiled up at her, subconsciously leaning forward, to which Sabine leant down and kissed his forehead.

"Merci, Maman." He murmured.

Mon Dieu!

Did he just...

Seeing he was starting to panic, Sabine put a hand on his shoulder to soothe him.

"You can call me, maman Sabine if you want, mon chéri. Whatever makes you most comfortable."

Adrien smiled sheepishly and nodded.

Sabine and Marinette walked over to the kitchen where she turned to her daughter and asked what had been burning in her mind.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"He's dealing with something really tough right now. He needs some time and somewhere safe to heal."

"He's always going to be safe here. He's welcome any time. You know that, right?"

"I know."

"We adore that sweet boy. He's not given enough love and affection. It breaks my heart to see it." Sabine whispered, her eyes misting over before she sniffed and straightened up, focusing on preparing the soup.

"Go sit with him, ma puce." Sabine instructed.

"Oh, can we have some cookies and cheese please, maman?" Marinette asked, knowing Tikki and Plagg would be hungry.

"I'll bring it over with the soup." She replied.

"Now go. Sit."

"Oui, maman." Marinette replied, squeezing in behind Adrien and pulling him to lean back against her, feeling him relax against her.

Sabine later brought the soup and the requested cookies and cheese over for the now sleeping teens.

Adrien had rolled over and had his face resting in Marinette's chest while she had her arms firmly around him, holding him close against her, helping him feel safe.

She kissed both of their foreheads before she gently stirred Marinette, letting her know their food was waiting for them when they were ready, and she was going back to help Tom in the bakery.

Marinette thanked her and waved goodbye as she made her way back downstairs.

Marinette squeezed him and leant down and pressed a kiss to the top of his head to gently stir him.

"Chaton endormi, time to wake up. Maman made us lunch."

"Can we come out now?" Tikki asked.

"I smell cheese!" Plagg exclaimed, flying out before Marinette could reply and immediately started gorging himself on cheese.

Marinette rolled her eyes and turned her focus back on Adrien.

Not wanting to startle him awake, she gently blew in his face, seeing his nose crinkle in the cutest way, only making her heart grow fonder for him.

She continued to drop kisses on in his hair, feeling him slowly stir.

"Hmm... Mari?" He blinked up at her with tired eyes.

"Bonjour, mon minou." She replied, forgetting her own rule, as she leant down and kissed him.

Adrien sleepily returned the kiss, slowly waking up as other areas of his body did too.

Feeling his excitement starting to grow, Marinette chuckled and pushed him away playfully.

"Couché, minou. Come on, maman made us lunch."

"And she brought me cheese!" Plagg exclaimed, before adding; "I love that woman."

They ate in comfortable silence, Adrien's mind feeling at peace for once in the last few days, especially after whatever Master Fu did to him.

He loved being cuddled up to Marinette, feeling comfortable enough to interact with her, the way he used to before...

He shook his head to shake away the thought, focusing instead on the sweet girl he honestly believed he didn't deserve resting her head on his shoulder as they watched 'The Dragon Prince'.

He wasn't sure about the show at first but came to enjoy the light-hearted nature of it.

And it was adorable how invested Marinette seemed to be, excitedly chatting to him about it.

He didn't know when he fell asleep, but the next thing he knew, he woke up with a start and Marinette was nowhere to be seen.

He screamed.


Je t'aime aussi - I love you too
Mon Dieu! - My God
ma puce - my sweetie
Chaton endormi - Sleepy kitten
Couché, minou - Down, kitty

Adrinette Comfort Kisses - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now