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Allison finally uncovered her eyes to find the door to her bedroom and went back inside, practically slamming the door behind her. Fuck he was hot, but he was such a jerk! "Uh, let me know when you're decent, I wanted to grab a drink." She yelled through the door. "Weren't you going to sleep? I mean..." Jin is stumbling over his words, trying to hide his embarrassment. Not even the other members can stand looking at his body for long, even though their tolerance for his beauty has been larger because they kinda grew up together. He can only imagine how scarred the poor girl must be... It's like looking into a flame of welding or the sun. Just a brief second is enough to get a burn on your retina. "I was trying to sleep but I got thirsty... God, why don't we have locks!" She grumbled frustratedly, leaning her back against the door as she tried to blink away the memories of Jin's body. "Just give me a minute!" Jin hurries to grab a shorts and put it on, and hastily put on a shirt and his pants overshorts. "Okay." 

Allison sighed as she finally opened the door, avoiding eye contact with Jin as she made a beeline for the kitchen to get her glass of water

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Allison sighed as she finally opened the door, avoiding eye contact with Jin as she made a beeline for the kitchen to get her glass of water. Jin's hair is still dripping and it falls on his wide shoulders as he also look away, hoping she won't notice the red in his neck and ears.
"Sorry again, Jin." Allison said as she came back out of the kitchen, finally looking at him. "I'll be more careful next time.""Please, it's already uncomfortable enough living together, and we are strangers and on the opposite side of the gender spectrum." Jin sits in the couch and then he softly ask her  "Are you okay?" No innocent person could stand to look at my body... like medusa.

"Yeah, yeah...I think I am." She said as she blinked over at him, trying to get the imagine of him dripping wet in a towel out of her head. "Have a seat, did your father already explain to you about.... ehm.... the differences between boys and girls???" Forgive me asking, I am just wondering how innocent you are.  Jin thinks. Allison narrowed her eyes at him "I know the difference, Jin. I just...have no experience with it." She admitted shyly, sitting on the couch. Jin nods, happy to not be the one to break that subject or teach her. "Well, how are you feeling now. I mean, this worldwide handsome torso has never been seen by any woman except the stylist noona's and my mother.""I feel special I guess." She said with a small laugh, looking over at him. "How do you feel knowing I've seen your torso?" She countered. Jin thinks about it for a while. How do I feel? Slightly embarrassed, and worried. But also a bit exposed. He unconciously grabs his chest trying to cover himself a bit even though he's wearing a shirt. "I... I don't know. It is not something I like to show to others. Even during shoots and stuff I cover himself up" "Well, I know I've said it a bunch but I'm sorry it happened, and don't worry, I'll never tell a soul what I saw." She assured him, reaching out to pat his leg without thinking, quickly withdrawing her hand once she realized. 

Jin's eyes grow wide and his ears red. He turn his head. *cough* "O-okay..." He hesitantly says, feeling slightly nervous all of a sudden.  Is it because she just saw my body? "Um...would you like me to leave you alone now?" Allison asked quietly, looking away from Jin. Jin isn't too sure. He wonders if there is anything left to say between them. Allison looked over at him, questioning his silence but deciding that probably meant he wanted her to go away. She got up from the couch and started walking back to the bedroom without a word.

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