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"I need it to relax. If I want to be pleasant around my doom, I better be fucking pissed out. That's the only way I can live in that house. We made rules to make sure we don't get too close to each other." "Doom? Not too close to each oth- Rules?" Yoongi says in disbelieve and with stuttering. He can't even imagine doing something like that with his soulmate. "Rules? With your soulmate? Not getting close? Jin, what are you going to do the rest of your life? Living together apart?" Jin shrugs it away. "That's the idea. I mean, if I would ever find someone that attracts me, I will just have a relation with that person. Maybe I'm lucky and that person's soulmate might have died away or something." "But don't you want children?" "Frankly I don't. I don't have time to be father. I would have to completely lose myself and become a father instead of Jin. No thanks." "And how does your soulmate feel about it?""My doom? She agreed to live by the rules. She doesn't really have a lot to say anyway. She is mostly quiet and sheltered. Like she has no presence at all. Although she did fight back once. Unfortunately for her that won't change a thing. Even if she talks back at me. She called me conceited."Jin scoffs and looks at his bag, reaching for the bottle again. 

"I'm a jerk apparently. A scumbag. A personality worse than dogshit." He opens the bottle and puts it at his lips. Yoongi grabs it away again. "What? No! That's not who you are." "I know, right?" Jin dry scoffs again. "But who could have known, a soulmate can bring out the worst in you..." Jin looks at Yoongi with sadness in his eyes. "I am a jerk to her. That's all I am. And that's who I'll always be, if that means she won't fall for me." Yoongi shudders at hearing those cold words coming from his hyung's mouth. He backs off, his mouth half open and his eyes ghosting over Jin. "Who are you?" He seems to be pretty shocked by who Jin became thanks to that whole soulmate thing. Jin laughs. "I'm still your beloved hyung. But that doesn't interest you anymore, does it? Soon you and the others with their 'perfect' soulmates and relations will settle down, and forget about your good old hyung. We'll see each other just a few times for schedules. And soon after you started kids, the texts will become less and less. Give and take another few years and we will just be memories in pictures. Isn't it so?" Jin has tears in his eyes. "ISN'T IT SO?!" He yells as he get sup and grabs the bag and bottle in his hand. The others all look at the ruckus and even the staff stops the shoot, looking at how Jin struts away from the studio, slamming the door behind him. 

Namjoon and the others go to Yoongi and look askingly at him. He tells them in short what happened and they are hurting bad. "If this is how Jin hyung feels, he must be pretty messed up now. I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid." Taehyung mentions. They look at the door. "Like what?" Jungkook asks innocently. "Like maybe kill her off or-" And the words get stuck in Jhope's throat. Yoongi saw Jin's selfdestruct behaviour. He finishes Jhope's sentence. "Or kill himself." And they all have worry on their face and jimin is softly sobbing at the suffering they are in but most of all, his hyung is in.

Over the next few weeks they were able to live somewhat in peace. They stuck to the rules as best as they could and only spoke to each other when absolutely necessary. Allison had fallen into the routine of everything, sticking to herself and her hobbies when Jin wasn't home and taking her shifts sleeping in the bed as they had discussed. She had started to venture out of the apartment a bit more, figuring if this was to be her home for the foreseeable future, she may as well get to know her area. She checked a lot of the local shops, bought more art supplies, found a cute little cafe that she frequented, and even met another girl from the United States who she became friends with. Of course she never told her the real reason she was there, she just lied and said she worked abroad, but it was nice to have someone who actually enjoyed her company and talked to her like she wasn't the devil. She had easily noticed the fact that Jin was drinking more and more, but she truly didn't care. It was his life, and as agreed upon by their rules, she was going to stay out of it. She didn't know how he could really be that miserable when they barely interacted, but over their short time together, she had learned that Jin was very dramatic.

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