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You sat down on a chair in an empty room in front of a glass screen in a juvenile detention centre. You were waiting for a specific person to enter the room. After a few minutes of waiting, foot steps could be heard from the opposite side of the room, an officer swung the door opened and behind him was the person you were visiting. Kazutora Hanemiya. A grin on your face formed as the guy in handcuffs walked towards the chair in front of the glass screen and you.

It's been 5 days since I've visited Kazu, the officers that works here told me multiple times that I can only visit twice every 4 weeks. All I could think about everyday was about Kazu, i'm still really excited for the day he gets released.

"Hello again (name)" Kazutora greeted as he gave me a small smile but it kind of seems like a fake smile.

"So how have you been? I really miss you..." I said in a sad tone as I rested my arms on the table in front of me.

"Pfft. I'm okay, everyday's the same. Eat and sleep" He said chuckling a bit.

"What about you? Got any stories to tell me?" I'm always happy to tell him stories about the world outside so when he asked me that question my eyes lit up and I started talking.

"So like a lot of things happened while you were gone, moebius picked a fight with toman but ended up running away when the cops showed up after their leader got kicked in the head by tomans president but not only did some of the moebius members got caught..." I looked down at my fingers as I let out a sigh.

"Continue..." I turned my eyes up looking at Kazu who was sitting still with a curious face.

"Well while everyone was too distracted by the sirens from the cop cars, Pah-Chin took out a pocket knife and stabbed the leader 'Osanai' from the back... and turned himself in."

"..." Even though Kazu didn't say anything, I knew he was listening to me so I just continued telling him every single detail of the story.

"Time's up." The police officer came walking towards Kazu as he gestured with his hand for me to leave. I stood up from my seat and looked at Kazu who was walking away.

"Bye Kazu! I'll visit you again tomorrow!" I waved a goodbye but didn't receive a bye back. I pouted my lips as I slowly lowered down my hand before leaving the centre.

Weeks went by really quick and finally I got a call that Kazu will be released early because of good behavior, i've never been so happy to go pick up Kazu from juvie. When the day came, I drove a motorbike to the centre and waited outside patiently for Kazu to come out. After what felt like 30 minutes I saw the familiar short black haired guy walking out of the building with a plastic bag in his left hand, my eyes lit up and waved my hand in the air for him to notice me.

"Kazu Kazu Kazu over here over here!!" I got impatient and started to yell for him and jump up and down on my motorbike.

"Okay, okay I see you now stop jumping in the air you look like an idiot" Kazu said as he approached me with a small grin on his lips.

"Shut up I was just excited to see you" I replied back with a frown on my face.

I dropped him off in front of his apartment and drove away back to my own apartment. Immediately after stepping one foot inside my bedroom, I jumped and threw my body on the comfy bed.

"Ahh this feels nice..." I whispered to myself, relaxing my body before I drifted to sleep.

I woke up from a notification on my phone that made a loud Ding across the room. I stood up and walked to the desk where I left my phone, turning on the screen I saw his messages.

CONNECTIONS, H. Kazutora Where stories live. Discover now