Midnight Dance (Albedo x Reader)

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A/N: Let's pretend that the same stars and Milky Way here also appear in Teyvet xD  The edit was cause my stupid ass forgot to add a fkn title xD
Queue the song ;)

Your POV

"Uhm... Albedo," I ask, nervously stretching my hand that was holding the test tube out away from my body. "Yes, (Y/n)," he replies, still not looking at me as he was busy recording the results from our previous experiment. "Is it supposed to be doing... that?" I say, referring to the test tube in my hand that began heating up and shaking violently.

He finally turns to look at what I was referring to and his eyes widen in surprise. "That's... interesting, do you think that perhaps-" he begins, studying the tube closely and began taking notes until suddenly the test tube in my hand shook more and more violently. "Shit-" I exclaim as the contents of the tube exploded upwards, the chemicals splatting onto me and Albedo with a loud "splash!".

"Are you alright?" Albedo asks, suddenly appearing at my side. I yelp in surprise, but regain my composure, still holding the tube. The green chemicals that thankfully weren't acidic were splotched on his goggles and on his coat. "Yeah I'm good, just a bit shook. You?" I inquire, inspecting him for any signs of injury. "I also appear to be in good condition. Maybe a break is in order?" he says, taking off his goggles and placing them onto the table.

I let out a sigh of relief and perk up at the idea. "Sounds good to me!" I grin, finally placing the tube carefully down into the test tube holder. I gently pull the goggles off my head, trying to ensure that my hair doesn't get tangled in it during the process. "The sky is clear tonight," Albedo says, observing the night sky through the window. An idea popped into my head, although I was hesitant to even bring it up.

"It would be a shame to let it go to waste," I hint, biting my lip nervously. "The night sky?" Albedo asks for clarification, turning his attention to me. "Yeah... do you maybe wanna go outside and see it together?" I look around the room, not meeting his gaze afraid of what his answer might be. "I like that idea," my face lit up with glee as I finally look directly at him. He was only a few steps away from me, the window behind him framing his figure with little lighting.

He then extends his hand towards me smiling, I smile back at his gesture and walk forward, intertwining our fingers. His hand grasped the door knob and twisted it open. The smell of fresh air quickly hit me and I took a deep breath in, smiling. He tugs on my hand and leads me out the door. I look up immediately and notice at once, how bright the stars seemed to shine tonight. There weren't any buildings around as this was Albedo's very own secluded lab, for safety reasons of course.

We were situated on an empty field with occasional trees, but other than that there wasn't any source of light that would obstruct our view of the stars. Before I knew it, he stopped pulling me along and we stood at a clearing. "I sometimes come here to figure things out or to simply get inspiration to sketch," he says quietly and then he looks back at me. His teal eyes scrutinizing me closely and I couldn't help but blush.

"So this is your secret spot?" I say quickly, trying to hide my flushed face. "You could say that," he replies, turning his attention up to the sky. I did the same, and my mouth opened in awe. There it was, the Milky Way. The stars seemed mostly concentrated along the path that the Milky Way made and I could faintly see the different colours that appeared in it. Though at the corner of my eye, I could see Albedo staring intently at me and I pretended not to see. Luckily the lighting wasn't good enough to see my red face.

"It's quite the view, isn't it?" I ask, still staring at the sky. "That, it is," he says, I could almost hear his smile. Then, as if I'd forgotten that we were holding hands in the first place, he let go of my hand. I looked down to my hand in surprise and look back up to him, only to see that he had his hand extended again. "Would you like to dance?" he asks, our eyes meeting.

"He wants to dance?" I think to myself ecstatically, trying to hide the smile that would creep onto my face. "I would love to," I take his hand and do a small curtsy. He smiles at my action and pulls me towards him slowly. Despite the fact that there wasn't any music, we fell into our own rhythm and swayed together under the starry sky. My hand rested on his shoulder the other clasped in his. While his hand was on my waist and the other also in my hand.

"I always enjoy my time around you, (Y/n)," his comment made me look up at him in shock. "Although, I always found it taxing to be around others as socializing is almost exhausting. But with you, it's quite the opposite," he states, looking into my eyes. His blond hair tussled in the breeze and a strand of hair fell onto his face.

I lifted my hand from his shoulder and tenderly pushed it out of his face with my thumb. "It's the same for me, Albedo," I smile, seeing his expression change into an unfamiliar look. Was he taken aback by my action? My hand hesitantly went back onto his shoulder. "Sorry, it's a little bit difficult to focus right now," he says, almost surprised at himself.

My smile then turns into a laugh as I heard him laugh along with me. After a little while, the laughter died down and I find myself swaying along with him again. "Tomorrow, would you join me for dessert?" I pull my head off from his chest to meet his gaze and feel my heart skip a beat or two. "Just- to thank you for everything that you've done for me," he clarifies, seeming almost flustered underneath my gaze.

"Only if you're shouting," I say cheekily, my cheeks heating up. "Of course," his face morphs from nervousness into one of happiness as he pulls me into his chest again. "You won't regret it," he says with his lips against my hair. I close my eyes, take both of my hands and wrap them around him. "I know I won't," I say quietly, but loud enough so that he'd hear it. He then reciprocates the hug and we melt into each others arms.

Authors Note:
Hey again guys! I hope you liked this one. I tried not to make him seem OOC (Out of Character) xD  Please feel free to comment your thoughts and give this chapter a vote if you enjoyed it! :D

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