Mutual V. (Scaramouche)

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𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕆𝕍.

There you lay in bed, motionless; it contrasted how your mind raced with thoughts. "How many days had it been?" you wondered to yourself. The bed had been indented with your body by then, the cushioned texture of it swallowing you whole. Slowly, you turned on your side and sighed heavily. It felt stuffy in here, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do anything at all. 'Knock knock' a sound at the door resonated through the room, causing you to stir in your bed and sit up steadily. "Who could it be? Is it-!" you rushed out of bed, tripping multiple times due to the clothes that littered the floor, but making it to the door in one piece.

Excitement got the better of you as you twisted the door open with an eager smile, only to be met with disappointment. There stood a mailman with wide eyes, probably surprised by how unkempt you looked right now. The mailman awkwardly smiles, noticing how your expression shifted from excitement to disappointment by their appearance, then dug their hand into the bag of letters currently slung over their shoulder. "This was addressed to you," their voice grumbled, handing you the letter that they retrieved from their bag.

You nod in understanding and take it from their outstretched hand. "Thank you," you respond, voice hoarse from not speaking aloud for who knows how long. A silent nod in confirmation was made by the mailman before they left, walking back down the long hallway. Looking down at the letter in hand, you notice that it was stamped from Liyue. Realisation causes your mood to switch from downcast, to curious. "The only person that I know is in Liyue is Ajax," you talk to yourself, the hoarseness of it now wearing out slightly.

You quietly step back into your house and close the door. 'It's dark in here,' you thought, hand reaching out to turn the light on before stopping midway. 'I should open the windows,' your lips form a thin line at the simple task, but you pushed yourself forward and pulled the curtains apart. A soft light pours in immediately, it was as if the sun was greeting you behind the grey clouds. You hum in happiness at completing the task and decided to quickly sit down at your table that was overcrowded with paperwork.

Not caring about it one bit, you used your arm and swiped all the documents of it in a swift motion, the papers fly and fall to the ground softly. Hurriedly, you opened the letter and read its content.

"Dear (Y/n),

I hope this letter finds you well. But who am I kidding, everyone is talking about the state that you're in right now. If you wanna stop sulking in that room of yours, come to Liyue and I promise you'll forget the reason why you're feeling down in the first place.

P.S I'll treat you to a meal in exchange for a duel."

A small exhale leaves your nose with a smile now on your face. Then, you see something written right at the bottom of the letter.

"P.P.S If you don't come don't be surprised if I show up at your door."

This time, a proper laugh escapes your lips and you place the letter down on the now-empty table. With your finger tapping on the wooden surface, you took a quick look around the room. Needless to say, it was a mess. Cleaning this up brought on a ghost of a headache, so you decided to push the thought aside for now. "It's decided then, I'm going to Liyue," a feint feeling of anticipation filled up within you while you stood up to pack your things.

𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℙ𝕆𝕍.

After buying the tickets and packing my suitcase, I had taken a shower and decided to wear a (f/c) crop top, high waisted skirt, and some stalkings with a black trench coat to top it off. I grab my suitcase and pull it across the room with me as I made my way out. The keys jingled in my hand whilst I inserted one of them into the lock and locked the door. The air out here was cold and dry, so I stuff my other hand into my pocket while the other pulled my suitcase along. There was the occasional Fatui Agent here and there that saluted at me, I nodded in acknowledgement at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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