Bitter 4 (Diluc X Reader)

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A/N: Don't start the music yet! :D

Your POV

I froze. "The... Fatui?" I ask, trying to confirm whether he said what I think he said. He nods solemnly. I open my mouth in disbelief but catch sight of the look in his eyes. The look that says that he didn't want to believe it himself.

"Why?" I say eventually, my shoulders slumping as I look down at the ground. Was I confused? Angry? Maybe even hurt? I don't know, but all those emotions began to swell as I let my thoughts run wild. "Hey," Kaeya rests his hand upon my shoulder, breaking me out of my daze.

I look up at him and give an uneasy smile. "Hey," I reply. "I'm sure he has a reason. This is the Diluc we're talking about," he reassures. I tap his hand that rested on my shoulder and nod my head. "You're right. Diluc wouldn't do something like this without a reason," I agree, shaking off the doubt that plagued my mind and finally giving a confident smile.

Kaeya withdraws his hand, satisfied at my response. "The problem is going to be finding out why," I put my index finger and hold my chin, trying to think about possible reasons. Kaeya folds his legs and crosses his arms, deep in thought.

Finally, he speaks. "The only reason I can think of is that they either found out about his night activities or-" "or they have something against him!" I pipe up, catching onto his train of thought. He smiles slyly. "Exactly," he leans forward.

"So here's the plan..." I lean in.

Timeskip and start the music!

"Did I really have to dress like... this?" I gesture to my clothes, wearing a disapproving look. Kaeya smiles shamelessly. "I thought you'd look cute as a maid," he teases, looking over his menu. I huff at his remark before writing down his order.

"According to my sources, a high-ranking member of the Fatui visits this bar. Keep an eye peeled for a tall man, purple hair and green eyes," he whispers, staring down at his menu. I nod my head, though I already knew that much since we discussed the details earlier.

"Is that all, sir?" I smile politely at him, pulling the notepad into my chest. "That would be all," he gives a close-eyed smile and I bow my head, leaving to the bar. "Ugh, look at all these booze-loving fools," Diona folds her arms as she shakes her head.

"You know Diona, if your drinks weren't that good people wouldn't come here so often," I taunt, giving a playful smile. She looks at me and her eyes light up. "(Y/n)!" she gets down from the stool and runs out from behind the counter to hug me. I gladly hug her back.

"I didn't see you come in!" she chimes, pulling back from the embrace. "I do have a background in sneakiness y'know," I shrug nonchalantly, partly joking. She giggles at my remark and goes back to behind the counter, climbing back onto the stool. "I was surprised that you wanted to come to serve at the Cat's Tail Bar. Any particular reason?" she asks, her voice laced with sympathy.

I knew what she was insinuating. I grip the notebook and pen in hand but smile at her nonetheless. "Things have been a bit hard since... yeah. So I wanted to do a job that was more laid back than adventuring," I explain. Though I felt bad about lying to her, I didn't want to drag her into whatever mess I was gonna make.

She nods her head, thankfully understanding that I didn't want to talk about it further. I change the subject. "So! About Kaeya's order," I tell her the usual and she whips it up skillfully, not even needing to take a proper glance at the proportions she was using. Sadly I didn't have time to stand in awe of her skills as other customers needed to be tended to.

After serving the first customer, I went back to Diona as she called me over. "What's up?" I ask. She hands me a glass. "Kaeya's order," she smiles. I nod my head and head over to his table only to stop at the mention of a name. "Angels Share's drinks don't taste the same anymore," someone says glumly.

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