Bitter. (Diluc x Reader)

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A/N: Angssstttt and you know the drill!

Third-person POV.

You knew something was wrong. For the past few weeks he had been acting strange. Who, might you ask? None other than your beloved husband and best friend, Diluc. Kisses went unreturned, the hugs you shared were only initiated by you while his hands lay limp by his side, and a smile barely graced his face anymore. "Surely there's nothing wrong... is there?" you couldn't help but feel anxious as you approached the place that you and Diluc had made home.

You let out a nervous exhale and plaster a smile across your face. With one swift motion, you opened the door and let yourself in. "Hello?" you say aloud, it echoes throughout the seemingly empty mansion. "Did this place get bigger?" you ask no one in particular. "He's probably in his office..." you walk up the stairs and down the long hallway. As your eyes came upon the door to his office you felt your heart squeeze. He never closes the door.

You raise your shaky hand up to knock, only for it to be opened before you could touch it. There he stood, towering over you with the same eyes that you'd loved to look into for over 3 years, now stare back at you with emptiness. "Come in," he simply states as he moves aside allowing you to enter the room. You swallow a lump in your throat but continue forward.

"Why so formal?" you joke as you attempt a laugh, only to get choked up and for nothing to come out. He closes the door and approaches you slowly. "I  wanted you to sign these..." he says, as if guilty. "Sign what?" you ask, although you weren't dumb. You knew what was coming. But you hoped to whatever archon was listening, that it wasn't true.

"Here." he simply says as he hands you papers, his fingers brush against yours and he noticeably tenses. You look down towards the papers in your hands. And there it was. Divorce papers. You felt as if someone was wringing your neck as a lump begins to form. "I... did I do anything wrong? Was I not enough for you?" you ask, your voice barely a whisper. Your hands began to tremble and tighten, the sound of crumpling paper echoed across the empty room. He remained silent.

The only light that illuminated the dark room was that of the moon, and even in this poor lighting you could see that he was lost in his thoughts. Why does he look guilty? It doesn't matter though... If he felt so bad, he shouldn't have done it in the first place. Anger begins to well up inside you and tears that almost escaped your eyes suddenly became nonexistent.

"Fine. I see how it is," you say with bitterness. "After all this time? And it comes to an end like this for a reason that you won't say?!" you shout. He flinches at your tone but remains still. "I just..." he finally meets your eyes. "Fell out of love with you." That statement. His seemingly stoic face. Those stupid documents in your hands. All of that led to your next decision that you may have regretted later.

You turned around abruptly to where his table was, hurriedly looked for a pen and signed all of the papers in one motion. "Here," you push the papers onto his chest and look up at him. Those scarlet eyes that you had met when you first fell in love, the same eyes that once lit up with joy when you said "Yes" to his proposal, are now wracked with guilt.

He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. The tears that you had been holding back now came with full force as you let go of the papers, he didn't bother to hold them and they fall slowly to the floor. You walk towards the door, but as you opened the door you uttered one last word, "Goodbye."

Your POV.

I ran. My legs carrying me far away from that house, the tears streamed down my face and my lips trembled. After a while of running, I crumpled down on a field and tucked my head in-between my knees. "Why?" I ask myself. My hands grip the grass on the ground and I lift my head up towards the stars.

"Ha... hahaha!" my laugh turns into sobs as I stare at the beautiful star lit sky. "This is ridiculous," I admit to myself, wiping my running nose with my sleeve. I breathe in deeply and exhale, trying to regulate my breathing to calm down. Looking down at the silver band on my ring finger, I twist it around and start to remember things that I certainly didn't want to.

The way he would prepare a bath for me when I came home or the way that he mixed me my favourite drink. "What an idiot," I pull the ring off my finger and draw my hand back, ready to throw it. I bite my lip and my hand falls to my side.

I can't do it. I grip the ring tightly in my hand and put it in my pocket. Sighing, I stand up. "I need answers, and there's one person in the whole of Teyvet that could probably answer them," I dust myself off. "Kaeya."

Authors Note:
Heya guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3  I know that it's pretty sad but I'll continue the next part sometime soon! Please vote this chapter if you liked it and comment your thoughts :)

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