Bitter 2 (Diluc x Reader)

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A/N: Hey guys this is part 2 of Bitter! Play the song :D

Your POV

After dusting myself off, I began walking back to the city. "Wow, I ran really far," I point out. On the way back I desperately tried to distract myself from what happened barely an hour ago and take in the sights. The gentle breeze that made the grass sway, the smell of clean air or how bright the stars and moon shone.

Upon arriving at the city gates, I ignore the sympathetic looks that the guards give me and walk up to the Knights of Favonius building. As soon as I open the door,  I spot Kaeya immediately. Relief spread through my body and I feel myself smile a little. He turns from the person he was engaging with and he meets my gaze.

"(Y/n)!" he smiles, excusing himself from the conversation before making his way to me. "It's been a while, Kaeya," I smile. He smiles back. "We're both very busy people. I still don't get why you chose Diluc over me though," he teases frowning, feigning disappointment. The very mention of his name made my eyes smile drop immediately.

This does not go unnoticed by him. His face contorts with concern as he hesitantly reaches out to grab my hand. "Mind telling me what happened?" he asks sweetly. I open my mouth to speak only to get his index finger shoved onto my lips, getting shushed by him. I give him a questionable look as he apologizes. "Sorry, I just realised that we should go somewhere private. Wouldn't want the everyone in the knights of Favonius to know what's going on!" he says quite loudly, emphasizing the last part of his sentence.

I hear shuffling from behind the door to the library and I realise why he did that. "You can remove your finger now," I raise my eyebrow at him. He pulls his hand away slowly. "My place?" he opens the door to the outside. I shrug at him. "Do I have a choice?" I joke, yet my voice held an undertone of bitterness.

He stays quiet and I walk through the door, muttering a small "Thank you". The walk on the way to his house was filled with small talk. He told me about his recent adventures and I told him about mine. Small laughs and chuckles were shared as he tried to cheer me up.

"We're here," he unlocks the door with a jiggle of the key and pushes it open. I walk in behind him and take a look around. "Nothing's changed," I observe.

He closes the door behind me and sighs. "Yeah, same old same old I suppose. Not everyone has a house full of maids," he replies sarcastically. I chuckle at his remark and take a seat in the living room. Twiddling my fingers, I look down at my lap. I hear him pull up a chair and sit on it. I look up, he has the chair turned the other way around so that he's leaning forward on the "back" of the chair. "So," he starts. "Wanna tell me what's going on?"

I take a deep breath in and tell him everything. How he started acting weird weeks ago and our conversation. He looks intently at me, listening to my rantings and nodding his head here and there. By the end of it all I'm a sobbing mess. I raise my hand to my face to wipe it with my wrist, only to see a tissue box in front of me. "A lady as pretty as you doesn't deserve to cry," he says earnestly, pulling out a tissue and handing it to me.

I sniffle and smile, gratefully taking the tissue and blowing my nose. "Sorry bout that, I'm evidently not over it," I give him a pained smile. A look of sympathy crossed his face before he looked elsewhere. "I'm sorry to ask you this, but do you think you could get intel on as to why he did... that?" I ask him, holding the tissue in my hand.

"Of course. I'll do what I can to help," he looks at me and gives a smile. "Thank you," I smile back. "What can I do?" I think to myself. Of course, I wouldn't just sit here and do nothing. I have to contribute some how. Suddenly, I came up with an idea. "What if," I start, a sly smile spreading across my face. Kaeya gives me a curious look, encouraging me to continue. "What if I keep an eye on him? Just to catch if anything weird is going on," I suggest, my heart filling with hope.

"Maybe I'll catch him doing something fishy," I shrug. "And maybe, just maybe I'll get a reason as to why he ended things so... quickly," I find myself hoping. He seems to think about it deeply, his hand on his chin. "Hm, sounds good to me," he gives me a foxy smirk. "And if you catch him doing anything weird, do tell me."

I roll my eyes playfully, but return his smirk. "You'll be the first to know." I look at the tissue in hand and say, "But if it turns out that he really meant what he said then... then I'll leave him be." I squeeze the tissue in my hand and a feeling of loneliness begins to gnaw at my heart before I snap out of it. Kaeya nods his head slowly in understanding.

I thank Kaeya once again, put my tissues in the bin and leave his house with my spirits lifted. The lit sky told me that the sun was just beginning to rise and I find myself smiling. Because maybe there's still hope. Maybe-

"(Y/n)..." I turn towards the familiar voice and feel my heart clench. "Diluc..." my eyes threaten to water at the sight of him, but I steel myself and dig my nail into my palm behind my back. "It's been a while huh?" I say, instantly regretting it. "Why did I open my stupid mouth," I mentally face-palm. I stare into his eyes and see regret. But why would he regret it? He wanted this in the first place, didn't he?

"It feels like it," he forces a chuckle. "Well... I was just on my way to see Kaeya. I see that you two have just met?" he questions, almost as if he were jealous. I could tell by the way that his hand shifted in his pocket, the subtle way he knit his eyebrows together, the way his voice sounded almost commanding... All the things that I learned through the years with him.

"What's it to you?" I say, surprising myself with how apprehensive I sounded. He stares at me clearly taken aback by my tone, but as always... he regains his composure. "Just... curious," he avoids my gaze. I nod at him. "I'll be on my way then," I walk past him to feel him grab my arm. I turn around angrily to where he had held me and instantly regret it as I meet his gaze.

Again. His lips part to say something. Yet, nothing came out. I feel disappointment rise within me and I harshly pull my arm away. "You keep looking at me like you didn't mean it! Like you didn't have a choice..." tears pricked my eyes as my lips tremble. But I would not let him see me cry. "(Y/n) you don't understand-"

"Well then tell me," I urge, my eyesight beginning to blur. "Go on!" I yell in frustration, only to be met with silence. I see him squeeze his hand into a fist and look downwards. "See? Nothing," I say in bitterness before turning to leave. "This is why I have to figure it out for myself," I think, wiping the tears away with my wrist.

"The next time we meet, Diluc. Will be the time where I finally know the truth."

Authors Note:
Hey guys! Been a hot minute xD  Sorry for the late update, been kinda busy doing nothing ngl. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Leave a vote if you did and feel free to comment your thoughts btw <3 Also, who should I write next?

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