RE: Village

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I stiffened as I entered the factory, Chris and Piers close behind. Ethan was here, I could feel it. But there was something else, someone here was strong, and I had a feeling the same someone would kill Ethan without a thought. 

"I have to go." I spoke up, causing all footsteps to halt.

"What?" Piers turned to me first. 

"I..I need to go." 

Chris turned too. "Like hell you do."

"Go where?"

The two men grew immediately defensive, and I let out a defeated sigh. "You know you can't stop me, besides, Ethan is here." 

"Ethan? For fucks sake, I tol.."

"I'll go get him." I cut Chris off. 

"No you won't." Chris met my eyes, daring me to oppose. 

"Chris, he's dead without me." I insisted. 

"Then we'll both go." Piers spoke up. 

"No, it's too risky." I shook my head. 

"If it's too risky for two of us, it's too risky for you to go alone." He stated. 

"We both know that's not true," I stepped closer, "you can't stop me, just get this done." I kissed Piers, before racing away.


I looked at the creature in curiosity, it was half metal, something made, something built to become a soldier. Then it began to walk towards me, letting a low growl escape its lips, and I sighed, drawing my knife, before sprinting towards it, and driving it through the helmet, into the brain. It's only when it dropped did I realise the corpse beneath the metal was human, and likely one of the villagers that were missing. I didn't have more time to dwell on it, I had to keep moving.

"Bravo." I stopped and turned at the sound of applause, studying the man before me, more specifically the large hammer that sat over his shoulder. 

"It's you."

"Have we met?" He raised a hand, lowering his sunglasses to look at me closer. 

"No, but I feel you."

"Oh, she's going for this play now?" Suddenly, I was pinned to the wall, metal at my neck, "well, sweetheart, I hate to say it, but your time is up."

"And I hate to say it, but I'm not a sweetheart." I tore the metal away, before ducking under the hammer as it flew towards me, rolling and kicking out his legs. 

"I do love a good fight," he smiled, and I felt metal pierce my back, "but, I love the sight of mother Miranda's pawns dead even more." 

"Mother Miranda?" I let out a small sigh, shaking my head in amusement, causing him to pause, "sweetheart, I'm here to kill the bitch." 

"Oh, you're not local?" He raised an eyebrow, I had his attention now. 

"No, I'm not." I brushed my jacket off. 

"Even better," he pulled back, before offering me his hand, "Karl Heisenberg, and who is the lovely lady before me?"

"Melissa Nivans, and I have a husband." I withdrew my hand, watching his lips turn up at the words. 

"That can be fixed." 

"Try it, I'll kill you myself." I warned. 

"Easy Nivans, we're on the same team." He lay the hammer back over his shoulder, watching me closely. 

"I know, that's why you're still alive." I sheathed my knife. 

"And she's cocky too, just how I like them." He grinned even more. 

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