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"HQ to Alpha Team. No change to your mission. Suppress the bio terror outbreak while proceeding to point Ace of Spades." I looked across at Chris as we lowered the ropes above our drop point. 

"Roger that. Preparing to drop of the eight of clubs, we'll make our way to the ace of spades and find those U.N workers." Piers informed, before looking at me. "You know what you're doing?"

"I don't need to," I went to jump out, but then I remembered that Chris didn't know about my practice with Wesker's abilities, so grabbed the rope. 

"I'll go first," Piers stated, before grabbing on and jumping out. 

Chris stepped forwards, and I avoided his concerned gaze, despite the amnesia, he was still our Chris. "You can turn back."

"No, I won't let you do this alone, not until you remember everything."

"Leon's going to kill me." Chris shook his head. 

"He trusts you, and so do I, that's all you need to know." I reassured, knowing that wasn't even close to the truth, not anymore.

He nodded, and we joined Piers on the ground, the Lieutenant's eyes meeting mine. He looked as if he was going to speak, but then our headsets buzzed to life.

"Echo to HQ we've encountered hostiles at Diamond Three. Moving in to engage."

"HQ copy."

"We should move." I suggested, moving down the ramp, past Piers' gaze. I waited at the door aside the soldier I'd come to know as Reid. "You sure you're ready for this?"

"I've grown up, Chris, trained a lot. Just ask Piers." Chris looked to his second in command. 

"She's good, Sir, insubordinate, but good." 

"Very well, let's move."

We opened the door, only for cameras to push towards us, my instinct immediately being to move behind Chris. It had been a long time since I'd been on the other side of a camera, my last memories being from Raccoon City, and my heart racing at the thought.

"Look at this," Chris' voice brought me out of my mind and I noticed him watching the chaos around him. 

"This is why you and the others started the BSAA, to stop this." I told him.

"All civilians clear out of the way!" Piers ordered, a nearby truck pulling away and into the streets. 

"Come in HQ. Route four is a mix of civvies and hostiles. Got anything else?" It was Marco who spoke, just as a crash occurred nearby.

"Alpha team. Switch course from route 4 to route niner."

I jolted out of the way when a civilian made an attempt to grab me, pleading for help, Piers quickly grabbing him and moving him aside.

"Head to the destination through the building in the six of clubs. HQ to all teams. Alpha is en route to ace of spades. After they rendezvous with Delta, we will proceed with the operation as planned."

As we continued through the building, I remained close to Chris, not knowing what could be around the corner. Something I did know, the C-Virus was here.

All of a sudden the windows smashed, and a chopper lit up on our team, the world slowing around me. But I couldn't do it, I couldn't show Chris who I'd become. So I took the hit, allowing the blast to throw me into the wall, my body flaring up in protest. "Liss?" Chris looked at me, but I shot up, backing away. 

"I'm alright."

"Bravo to HQ we're currently engaged with his tiles at the four of hearts. It's not looking good. Requesting immediate backup."

"Copy that. HQ to Charlie, assist bravo at the four of hearts."

We shared a concerned look for our comrades as we continued on, turning the corner and seeing hostages below, but before any of us could react, Chris took the hostiles out. "Not while I'm around pal." Piers and I looked at one another, and for the first time in a while, we smiled. Chris had always been the glue to the Alpha Team, and here he was, coming back to us.

We made our way though another door, Piers taking out our next hostile, but that's when I felt it.

"It's healing itself." Chris watched almost in disbelief. 

"J'avo." I looked at Piers, who shared the same concern, both raising our weapons and beginning the fight. 

"Piers to HQ, we've made contact with J'avo. It's the same kind we dealt with back in Edonia!"

"Copy that. Proceed with caution."

We took quick care of the single enemy, not wanting to take any chances, but I couldn't calm down, not when I knew what we were up against. "Fuck!" I jolted as a chopper crashed into the building nearby, and felt my heart begin to skip. I had to get it under control. "We gotta put an end to this mess!" Chris was angry, I knew that tone.

"Alpha team, proceed along Route Niner. Take a back alley to get to the Ace of Spades."

"Captain, you remember anything yet?" Piers looked at him, and I reloaded my gun. 

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around what I'm seeing here." He replied. 

"You'll get used to it, we all did, even Claire." I told him. 

"Yeah, you know I figured you'd be a little rusty but it looks like all that trainings kicking right in." Piers agreed. 

"Can the chatter. You ready?" Chris looked at me. 

"If one more person asks me that I'm gonna lose it. Also, we hostiles." I gestured to the next door we stopped at. 

"And you know because..?"

"A lot's changed Chris, you just have to trust me." I stated. He reluctantly nodded and we worked through the next room, pushing our way into another back alley.

"Echo to HQ! We can't hold them off. Retreating from Diamond Three!"

"HQ to Echo! Requesting immediate status update! What's going on?"

"We're overwhelmed! There's just too many of them. We've got no choice, we have to fall back."

"Hey Nivans! Wanna rally?" I glanced towards the soldier as I rolled away from a blade. 


"For old times sake." He shook his head, but I ignored it, shoving the nearest J'avo his way, and internally grinning as he landed a punch to its git. I drew my knife, slicing into its arm, causing its own weapon to drop, and then Piers pushed him down, allowing me to land a final blow on its head. "Gotta say, you don't change Gloves."

"Neither do you, Scope."

"Let's move." Chris interrupted us, and we followed him to the next door, our unit moving in. Shots were fired, and I dove to cover, and then I spotted Keaton being raised from the ground by the neck by a J'avo. I immediately looked to Piers, finding him looking back, and gesturing towards the comrade. He clocked onto the target immediately, shooting through the arm and freeing the soldier. I shot one to the left, before moving towards Keaton to give him cover whilst he regained his breath, but then I saw the J'avo he'd shot beginning to mutate. "Chris get to cover!" He didn't move. "Chris!"

"Captain!" I watched as Piers knocked him out of the way, the two falling to the ground, Chris gaze landing on the now injured Reid.

"Hey!" The J'avo turned. "Let's dance." It ran towards me, and I ducked away from the arm it swung, pulling my knuckledusters from my pockets. I ran towards him, letting my anger out, memories of the fallen arising as I hit the enemy over and over. The virus was rising, along with it my strength and speed of the hits, until I landed the final blow on its head, breathing heavy as I looked around. All eyes were on me, two more J'avo taken down. "Kennedy, pull it together." It was Piers who gave me the order. 

"You two," I looked at the injured soldiers nearby, "stay here and tend to the wounded." 

"Good call. HQ. Alpha Team reporting. I got fours of us heading along Route Niner."

I walked through the door first, not caring for the disapproving looks from the men who followed, I couldn't face them, not now.

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