Mind Games

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*Nathaniel's POV*

I want her back but I don't know how to make that happen. She won't even talk to me. I think she's moving on. Why else would she be hanging out with that guy? I wonder if she still has feelings for me. I still love her. I don't think that will ever go away. So what can I do? How will I get her attention to say all this?

*Madison's POV*

I can't believe him. He has a problem with me moving on when he's the one that left me. That's crazy. Then there are all these girls he's constantly flirting with. Is he doing that to make me jealous? If he is, it's definitely working. Maybe he's just trying to prove that he's irresistible. Sigh. Maybe I should move on from him. He doesn't seem to need me but then there are these feelings. Damn. Bryan is an amazing guy though. We don't talk 24/7 but when we do, it's calming and fun. I just wanna make sure I'm not using him as a rebound. It's just the closure that I really need to forget about all this mess. I don't wanna talk to him about it though. Doing that may just stir up some feelings I really don't want to feel right now.

*At school*

Madison: Where's Alana?

Brittany: I haven't seen her.

Madison: That's odd. She's usually the first to get here. Did you call her?

Brittany: Girl, I'm enjoying my series. I'm sure she's okay. She probably just overslept or something.

Maddie: Fine, I guess. I'm gonna take a walk.

Brittany: Don't get lost kiddo.

*Madison began walking around the campus. As she walked, she noticed some girls from her grade staring at her as she walked by. She thought it was strange but had too much on her mind to let it bother her.*

Olivia: Hey Mads!

Madison: *she stopped walking and went towards where Olivia was sitting* Hey Olivia. What's up?

Olivia: You're the one walking around like a headless chicken so, I should be asking you. *she giggles*

Madison: Is it crazy to want to get away from this world for a while?

Olivia: Nah. I know exactly how you feel.

Madison: *she sat down beside her* What are you making? *she looks down at Olivia's knitting work*

Olivia: A blanket for my little sister. She's almost always cold.

Madison: Aw, you're such a great big sis. How old is she now?

Olivia: She's two.

Madison: Time really flies by quickly.

Olivia: It does. Did you hear the rumor about Nathaniel?

Madison: No. What rumor?

Olivia: That he apparently wants to get back with his ex.

Madison: Which one?

Olivia: *she laughed* You're so salty. The one before you.

Madison: Oh. That's great for him, I guess.

Olivia: You still haven't talked to him?

Madison: Meh. He's keeping himself busy. I'm sure I'm the last person on his mind.

Olivia: Yeah, that's true. Is today a lab day?

Madison: I hope not. They're getting annoying.

Olivia: You could always switch classes.

Madison: I might. *she laughed* Do you really want me to leave you behind though?

Olivia: Good point.

Madison: Well, I'm gonna go enjoy that world before the real one starts.

Olivia: Don't get lost!

*As Madison walked back to the cafeteria, she saw Alana and Nathaniel talking with his friends. She smiled to herself then blocked out everything and everyone around her*

*Later that day*

Nathaniel: Maddie, can we talk?

Madison: Sure.

Nathaniel: How have you been?

Madison: Good. How about you?

Nathaniel: I'm doing alright. What's been going on with you?

Madison: The usual. School, life and home stuff.

Nathaniel: Wanna talk about it?

Madison: There's no need to talk about it. Was there something you wanted from me?

Nathaniel: Not necessarily. How are things with Bryan?

Madison: Nothing is going on between us.

Nathaniel: I thought you guys were getting pretty serious.

Madison: It doesn't matter. Well, it shouldn't matter to you.

Nathaniel: You matter to me.

Madison: Sure. There he is right now. I'm gonna go talk to him. *she walked away from him and towards Bryan*

Bryan: Hey, you.

Madison: *she smiles* Hey.

Bryan: You didn't respond to my text yesterday.

Madison: I'm so sorry. I got home late and just crashed.

Bryan: Long day?

Madison: It was something like that yes.

Bryan: I understand. Can we hang out after school today?

Madison: That sounds good. We have our last class together so you can just lead the way.

Bryan: I like the sound of that. *he chuckled*

Madison: See you later then.

Bryan: Bye Maddie.

*As Madison turned around to walk away, she saw Nathaniel staring at her with a questioning look on his face. She rolled her eyes and continued to walk away. He ran after her and tried to block her path. She breathed a sigh of annoyance before speaking*

Madison: I'm tired of your damn mind games. What do you want?

Nathaniel: Nevermind. *He walked away*


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