I'm Back

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Marshmallow: Oh no, what will we do?

Amy: Just remember what I taught you.

Marshmallow: About what?

Amy: About fighting.

Marshmallow: Oh yeah! Split!

Amy: (Pulled out her hammer)

Marshmallow: No, just run Amy. I can take care of them.

Amy: Are you crazy! I won't leave you behind.

Marshmallow: Don't worry much, I got this. Hyper take care of Amy.

Hyper: As you wish.

Amy: What! There is no way I'm leaving you! We must be together!

Marshmallow: Not anymore. 'Cause you need to save yourself. I'm counting on you Amy, you're the one who took me as a lil' sister. I'm very lucky to have you. Good bye! (Start the plane and jump out)

Amy: Marsh, no!

Hyper: Protective shield mode. Ready for flight. (Flies off)

Amy: Oh Marshmallow. Why do you think Marsh did that for me?

Hyper: Because Marshmallow loves you so much. You're like the one who stands for her just like a sister or more like a mother. That's why she rather had her prison than you.

Amy: I know but why did she did that, I mean I could have some other plans so we could escape together.

Hyper: Maybe she knows to herself that you're the only hope to help them all.

Amy: Yeah! We need some help to save Marshmallow!

Hyper: Who will we contact?

Amy: I'll take care of that by myself. Just track the way to Mobotropolis.

Hyper: You can say Robotropolis.

Amy: Whatever you wanna call it, just please track it.

Hyper: Fine. (Tracking) We're almost there.

Amy: Great!

(Back to Eggman's Dungeon-Marshmallow)

Marshmallow: Let go of me you monster!

Eggman: Well, I guess you wanted to go outside already. Isn't this place fun enough for you?

Marshmallow: It isn't! After what you did to us, two! You're a monster!

Eggman: Enough talking! You just didn't know my latest plot that's why.

Marshmallow: What plot?

Eggman: I was using you two as an experiment I could take over Mobius.

Marshmallow: How can we help you? We don't even have powers!

Eggman: Yes but you have excellent intelligence.

Marshmallow: Huh?

Eggman: You two we're just like a memory card for me. Which I will use so I can defeat Sonic once and for all. I know Sonic couldn't hurt his friends that's why I'm going to use Amy as a bait for him. You never know how much Amy can destroy anything because of her hammer. And that's not just it. Because Amy is smart enough by now, I'm going to use her just like a dictionary.

Marshmallow: I'm sorry but Amy's not here!

Eggman: I know, so I'm just going to use you as bait. Soon Amy's going to free you but exchange of her life.

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