The New Me Part 1

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Note: See the other chapters if you think this story is ugly. As the chapter gets near to the end, I made some new updates tho... :3

One sunny morning in Mobius was a moment that changed everything. On that day, Amy invited Cream to roam around the park with her. She was hoping that it was a perfect time to say to Cream that it was getting hopeless to win Sonic's heart because Sally already won it. That was the exact day Sonic will propose to Sally. That day, Amy's world turned gray and this started an amazing adventure of a love that can't be explained by anyone.

Amy: You know Cream, I was hoping you won't be too much surprise what will I tell you.
Cream: What is it Amy?
Amy: Uuuuuuuummmmmmm............... Something................. Difficult to say...........
Cream: C'mon! Please!
Amy: Alright. Ok here it goes........ I'm gonna move on.
Cream: Huh? What are you saying? Don't tell me this is about Sonic?
Amy: Yes it is. If he doesn't look at me like the way I look at him. Then, I'll just move on. Be the new me.
Cream: What! You never gave up for Sonic!
Amy: Maybe I put too much pressure to myself because of obsession. I'll just study harder. I'm just gonna think of helping others, not him.
Cream: Ok, but are you sure you wanna do this?
Amy: Yes, I'm very sure. I'll just be a hero like him. That's all I need to think by now.

Amy and Cream's conversation was interrupted by an explosion at the palace of acorns.

Cream: What's that?
Amy: I'm gonna check. You stay here.
Cream: Ok, but be careful.
Amy: I will.
Amy soon got to the palace. There she saw Sally getting in trouble because of Eggman.
Sally: What do you want from me Eggman?
Eggman: I just wanna visit you, princess.

Amy suddenly showed up then smashed her hammer too Eggman.

Amy: Stay back Sally!
Sally: Amy, you can't do that!
Amy: Don't worry, I got you covered. What's your problem this time, Eggman?
Eggman: Ah.... another hedgehog, I see. Stay back if you don't want to be hurt. I just want to know where that pathetic blue hedgehog is.
Amy: Ggggggrrrrrrr!!! I will never help you!
Eggman: I don't need your help then.
Amy: Get back here! You loser!

Then all of a sudden. Amy was caught by Eggman's latest creation, the Eggman Laser Beam.

Amy: Let go of me, you creep!
Eggman: Caught by my new creation? Well, that shield might be surrounded by high voltages such as electricity. You cannot go anywhere. If you did that, you might consider yourself electrified.
Amy: I don't want your explanation Eggman! Let me out!
Eggman: Thanks for the new gift princess. Oh, don't worry, I'll keep it.
Sally: Let go of her Eggman!
Amy: It's ok Sally, this is your opportunity to be with Sonic without me. Just be happy together. Enjoy the wonderful things you will do together.
Sally: You'll get out of there I promise.
Amy: Well it's too late for that promise. Just be happy! *Tears were shed eyes*

Sonic finally showed.

Sonic: Let go of Amy, Eggman.
Eggman: Oh, finally you showed up. I thought you're dead.
Sonic: I'm just busy with your robots. Did I arrive too late?
Eggman: Just in time, Sonic. That's why I sent you a little friend so you will have a new playmate. Metal Sonic, take care of this blue hedgehog.
Sonic: Yah gotta catch me first!

While Metal Sonic is distracting. Eggman escaped with Amy held hostage.

Amy: So....... Nic!!! Help me!

Sonic: Amy! *Kneeling* Damn! Why? Why should it be Amy? I don't deserve to be her hero, I let my friend go!

Sally: It's ok Sonic. I'm sure there's a way to get her out of there. Just trust yourself.

Sonic: Ok. Hang in there Amy. We'll get you!

Amy seems to fall asleep. When she woke up. She notices that she was in a room with nobody around.

Amy: Huh? Where am I? Am I dead?

But all of a sudden, she notice that there was a girl hiding from her in a shelf. The girl seems to be pretty scared.

Amy: Hello? Please tell me where I am? I need your help. Please! I know your hiding. Could you just tell me the way out of here? *Walking towards the girl* Hello? *Peeked to see the girl*
The girl: Ah! Please don't hurt me.
Amy: Geez! Why are you so terrified? I won't hurt you.
The girl: Are you a robot?
Amy: What! No! If course not. I'm perfectly fine. What's your name anyway?
The girl: Oh! My name is Marshmallow, Marshmallow Fox.

Amy: What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here.
Marshmallow: I was left behind by my parents. When they came back for me, they were turned into robots. Plus, I've been here since my birth. My parents were kidnapped by an old man with a glasses and a bunch of robots.
Amy: Eggman? So you're saying that you're all alone?

Marshmallow: Uuummmmm..... I guess. I'm just like trapped in this thing.
Amy: What thing?

Marshmallow: We're just like in a big cage that is surrounded by robots.
Amy: What! We can't go anywhere! But I need to go home.
Marshmallow: Relax....... It's hopeless to get out of here. Only if you're a smart dude.

Amy: Smart enough? Don't worry Marsh we're gonna get out of here, I promise.

Marshmallow: Wait-what! And why is my name Marsh?
Amy: Well, my nickname for you.

Marshmallow: Alright. By the way, you never introduce yourself yet.
Amy: Oh yeah. All of this thinking makes me crazy. My name's Amy, Amy Rose.

Marshmallow: Well Amy, are you sure you're gonna bust us out of here?
Amy: Of course, I won't waste this opportunity to be disturbed by Sonic. This is the time I would be smart enough to prove to them that I'm not just not an ordinary Freedom Fighter. Are you ready Marsh?
Marshmallow: Ready or not, yeah I am!

Amy: The first thing we need to know is self-defense. Second, about computer stuff. Third, repairing and reprogramming. Fourth, inventing. Fifth, how to plan.

Marshmallow: Are you sure you can do those things? I mean they are pretty many.
Amy: Maybe it will take years to do it. But I'll still do my best!

Marshmallow: Okay if you say so. Aren't you even scared?
Amy: No! Of course not. I'll make sure nobody is left behind. Coz I know Eggman is behind this. And I'll make sure his gonna pay.

Marshmallow: Okay! Let's do this!

What on Mobius happened to Amy this time? Will she and her new found friend get out of this messy problem? Or will she die and suffer from the hands of Eggman? Find out in the next story.

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