Few Months Later.....

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A blue hedgehog jumped roof by roof while holding a buquet of pink and red roses.

"Excuse me. Coming through. Hedgehog in a hurry." He warned as he passed by a few villagers.

"I'm here!" He shouted as he arrived in the front porch.

The pink hedgehog once opened the door and saw the blue hero---'HER' blue hero handling her favorite flowers.

"Well, I thought it would take long." She crossed her arms, taping her foot while making a small smirk.

"Nah! I promised you remember?" The blue hedgehog said happily.

He walked towards his pink lover and handled her the flowers. But once it was in reach of the other---

"Don't touch that! That's poisonous! It will eat you!" A badger disturbed as she grabbed the flowers then threw it away.

"What a morning..." The pink hedgehog complained and made a frown as she let her flowers blow away by the wind.

"Oh come on, Ames. At least I'm here." The blue one comforted.

"Hey guys! I just invented something new so that we can contact Rotor, Sally and the others!" A young yellow fox ran towards them with his device in hand.

"Wow! Nice job, Tails!" The blue hero said to his younger brother.

It has been months ever since Sonic and his gang traveled around the world. They decided to stop by here at the Land of Boom.

Yes, somewhat they already miss their other friends but it didn't stop them from saving the villagers from the hands of the evil Doctor Eggman.

Guess, what? They met a new friend here, a crazy yet smart badger named Sticks.

"Hey guys! How you doing?" A fox named Marshmallow asked in a small device which Tails made.

"Great. Weird things happens here all the time." The pink hedgehog replied, excitingly seeing her other friends once more.

"I hope you guys are okay! Though, we miss you so much..." She put her ears down.

"But in the bright side. Marshmallow and I are having a great time trying to cook! And yet she's very clumsy when it comes to baking." A rabbit named Cream added.

"I hope you guys are. We miss you, too but we gotta look out for Egghead for a while." The blue hero answered.

"We understand. Hey, wanna see Sally?" The young female fox asked.

"Sure. Where is she anyway?" The pink one answered.

"Well, in the castle---" The fox answered. "Very busy---" The rabbit added. "Since that you guys are missed by the whole kingdom." The fox finished.

"Well, tell her good luck. Hey! Maybe we could visit you guys at some point of time!" The blue hedgehog decided.

"Wouldn't that be difficult?" The yellow fox questioned.

"Knuckles will be in charge." He pointed at the red echidna.

"I'm not so contented..." The younger one confessed.

"Well, I'm practically sure we'll have the right schedule for that." The blue one answered feeling confused.

Coincidentally, a new attack was heard from the village. Looks like the Doctor decided to show up.

"Well, I hope you're safe there. We won't have much time. See yah later!" The pink hedgehog greeted as she grabbed her huge weapon then ran of to save the villagers, followed by the speedy hedgehog and the others.

"A new day here in the Land of Boom, don't you think Sonic?" The pink hedgehog smiled.

"Yup! You bet!" The blue one answered.

And that how the story ends....... Or is it?

"Sonic the Hedgehog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The pink hedgehog screamed at the top of her voice.....

/////Author's Note/////

Hey guys! Ugh, I know it's so bad. This chapter has been rushed since that.... School started, exams, home works and projects all in our faces. Stress...... Anyway... If you have any request on the next chapter, I may do so but please don't request Sonic and Amy to get married easily. XD I will laugh if the story will end like that.

I have nothing much to say 'coz.... I had been mind blocked by exams. x_x

Please follow, comment and vote or whatever you want to do. XD

Btw, please check out my other books, you can request for a couple and I will share my opinion on it.

And thanks for the 55 followers and 2k+ views. That is so a big accomplishment. Thank you. :3 Love you all!

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