The Chase

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Amy: You look fit together too.

Tails: Hmph! So she's a girl. What's her name?

Amy: Do you really wanna know?

Tails: Isn't it obvious? Yes, I want to know.

Amy: Marshmallow Fox, she was the one who sacrificed her life so I could get out.

Tails: Wow! She did that for you? She's a true friend.

Amy: Really? Or your true love? Hahaha!

Tails: Hey! Well, that's not funny. Ok then, who's your true love instead?

Amy: Nobody.

Tails: Really? Or is it Sonic? Hahaha!

Amy: Hmph!

Tails: Ok, let's continue. So who else are we gonna rescue?

Amy: Have you ever know that there are many Freedom Fighters that are prisoners?

Tails: Wow! I never knew about that. All I ever know is that they were all robotized and killed.

Amy: I thought you're the Engineer AND Pilot of the group?

Tails: Yes I am. But some of my attitude changed after I got 11.

Amy: That's ok. That's no big deal. I can teach you again. (Grins)

Tails: Ok! (Smiled back)

Amy and Tails head back to Cream's house immediately,

Amy: Do you even know about hacking?

Tails: Nope, I never know about that. Or I just didn't remember.

Amy: If you like Computer so much. You need to know about that.

Tails: Do you know about hacking, anyway?

Amy: Of course.

Tails: Wow! Can you teach me. Please.

Amy: Why should I say no. I mean, I joined you here so you can learn more. You'll know all about everything. I assure you that.

Tails: Ok! But can we start tomorrow?

Amy: Why?

Tails: 'Cause I need to go home. Sonic is going to find me.

Amy: Why should he find you?

Tails: You know, since you've been gone. Everything changed.

Amy: Why me?

Tails: After you've been hostage. Sonic had been finding you for weeks, months or should I say years. He only comes home every time it's sunset, which is now. Just like I told you my attitude changed, right?

Amy: Yeah.

Tails: Well, now, I've been a stubborn guy. I always follow my own rules. I ignore what everyone said. I always go to Neverlake so I could remember you. That's why you saw me on a tree, right?

Amy: So everyone missed me?

Tails: Yeah, especially Sonic. 'Cause he's the hero. He needs to be the one who saves everyone. But, he failed his task. That's why he'd changed his attitude. But I think if he saw you he's going to be happy that you're safe.

Amy: (Blushed) Really? I thought he end up with Sally?

Tails: Well, he got depress because of you. He also misses the girl who was chasing him before, and that's you.

Amy: Miss those moments, eh?

Tails: Have you ever know about Sonic and Sally's relationship?

Amy: Well, yeah. What happened? I thought they end up in a same path.

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