Sonic's Birthday Party!!!

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"Shadow, Shadow, Shadow. SHADOW!" I poked him for like a million times but he won't wake up!

"SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG, IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP I'LL SLAP YOUR FACE!" I warned him for the 20th time. I went inside the bathroom and grab a dipper, filled it with cold water then put some few cubes of ice on it. Yeh, it's so early in the morning when I saw his fridge full of food and ice so I decided to make breakfast on my own.

I got out of the bathroom and went back to Shadow who covered his head with a pillow.

"ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE!!!!" I exclaimed kicking the pillow above his head and pour the water on his face.

Some fun I have in mind! I always wanted to do that to anyone but I can't because they might get mad! At least I did it to Shadow. All this none sense made me laugh so hard that the reaction of Shadow's face when he wake up made me roll on the floor.

"DARK THE HEDGEHOG!!!!" Shadow scolded at me while I continue laughing and rolling on the floor.


"Once you don't stop laughing, I'll kiss you." He got up and stood in front of me.

"You wouldn't dare Shadow. Or I'll call you pervert!!!" I teased while my voice is still shaking because of laughing.

"Forget it. I ain't doing that. You wish...." He walked away and went to the dinning area.

"Hey! I ain't wishing for that!" I got up and followed him through the dinning area and saw him completely surprised.

"Wha-what's this? Did you prepared this?" He asked me.

"Well, yeah. I got some food from your fridge and made some breakfast for both of us. Just a little way of saying thanks." I winked at him as he turned around and blush abit.

"But Dark, this is too much for saying tha-" I cut him off by putting my finger on his mouth.

"Ssh.... I already prepared it Shadow. Just enjoy the meal! Hope you like my recipe!" I finally put away my finger and offer a seat to Shadow.

"You're the girl and I'm the one who suppose to do that." He refused.

"Nah! Forget about the gentleman stuff. Just seat boyie!" I assured.

"Fine, fine." He finally took a seat then I seat right next to him.

He took a pancake and sliced it into pieces. Not for a while, some chocolate follow down inside the pancake. He took a piece and ate it. After the bite, I observed that his eyes were filled with excitement and delight. He finally finished it and took another one.

I on the other side, put some cookies on my plate that I was able to bake in a few minutes. It was topped by a small bar of melted chocolate. I took a bite and some crumbs fell in my plate. It's so yummy!

"I never knew that you can cook like this things Dark! It's delicious! I'm completely satisfied with the chocolate flavor." He commented.

We finally finished our meal and he took a bath. I left Shadow and head to my house so I can clean myself.

After my bath, I prepared a chili dog for Sonic as a gift.

"Wew! Look who's cookin'! Good morning Dark!" I was surprised to see Tails peeking in the door. "Why are you here? This is our lost friend's house!" He barked.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Tails this IS me."

"Amy? How? You are working with Shadow? You're Dark?" He asked.

Sonamy Story 1: A Huge ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now