It's Good to See You Again

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/////Author's Note/////
Hey! Hey! Hey there peeps! Yah! I haven't set my mode on doing chap 5 but since I love yah guys, I will. I have some new upgrades on how I'll write my story. I won't be putting anymore something like this "Amy: Blah blah blah..." but I'll do this instead "Blah blah blah," Said Amy. I hope you understand what I just said because I'm not that good at explaining stuff so.... Yah!

Sonic: Just shudup and do what your master told you!
Me: I knew it you're going to say that! Fine! I'll do it! *throws the tablet in Sonic's face*
Sonic: What the- You meanie! I won't give back your teddy bear for that! *hugs my teddy bear tightly*
Me: No! Not my love! Fluffy (that's what I call it)! *trying to get the teddy bear from Sonic's arms*
Sonic: Now on with the story!!! And I forgot to tell yah dudes; Marshall always puts it on Amy's POV.
Me: Stop explaining Sonic the Hedgehog and give it back!
Sonic: Get back to work if you want this! *points at the tablet that I threw*
Me: T^T

On with the story!!!

Soon, we got to the place that Tails said to me. The place was really old and dusty. But it was really worth a sweat to go here so I really got to accept especially if some blue hedgehog won't stop finding me. I just thought that he will continue his proposal to Sally but in what Cream and Tails said to me, no, he didn't. I guess he doesn't know who's Amy now.

"Jeez Tails! This place is a mess!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, I haven't used this place ever since. If you clean this place, it will take forever," Tails replied while looking around.

"Is this your workshop's basement?" I questioned.

"Yup! This is where I use to make gadgets and other techno stuff. This is the place where I use to rebuild the X Tornado," He said pointing at a dusty plain.

"You haven't use this for a long time, am I right?" I glared at him seeing his ears twitch then turned around slowly.

"Yeah...." His ears went down and he sat down into a dusty table.

"Oh Tails! Come on don't be sad! Keep your feet on the ground so you won't frown!" I cheered making him stand up and laughed.

"Alright then, let's clean this place up in a sec!" He said while grabbing a broom.

We started from one corner to another. I'm the one who wiped the cabins as he sweeps the floor and reach high places because he has the ability to fly through his two tails.

We finally finished the half of the room in just an hour. We then decided to rest for a moment.

"That was making me tired," Tails said exhausted.

Soon, we heard a knock on the door.

"Hello? I brought lunch for both of you!" A sweet voice said. It's Cream!

"Cream, we're here at the basement," Tails shouted.

I heard a creek from the door and foot steps coming from the basement stairs. I then saw Cream holding a basket filled with food.

"Food?!" Tails exclaimed staring at the basket.

"Yup! Mother and I prepared it for you! I knew that you would be exhausted because of cleaning this mess," Cream said opening the basket full of sandwiches, bacon and apples.

I grabbed a sandwich and started eating it. Tails did the same, too.

"I love it when it's your cook Cream! You're so cool!" Tails exclaimed while taking a bite on his sandwich as Cream's face turned pink.

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