Chapter 3

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Checking on her throughout the night was comforting to him it got to a point where he wasn't needed anymore and everything was stable on the ward so he snuck back in with Jac who was still sleeping peacefully. He sat down beside her and gently brushed his fingers against her skin and she soon woke before frowning, she gasped slightly before smiling at Kian's presence, she shifted over and he got into bed beside her. They just lied there holding each other and Jac was so relaxed he didn't even want to move because she was peaceful right now and they were enjoying each other's company but they knew they would have a long day ahead of them so they would have to get moving soon.

"We need to get up soon," he says quietly, she shakes her head wanting to stay wrapped up in this duvet they were in "Five more minutes?"

"Ten" she bargains with him and Kian sighs slightly kissing her on the back of her head

"Ten it is then," he says quietly and Jac smiles to herself before groaning in annoyance "What?"

"Nothing, I just don't want to move," she says turning around, she drapes her arm over his chest and he massages her scalp gently and runs his fingers through her hair "I'm comfy"

"And lazy"

"I am not lazy!" she gasps and Kian smirks at her before she huffs slightly "Leave me alone, stop being annoying"

"I'm never annoying," he says and she just laughs slightly before sitting up and stretching, "Ok?"

"You don't have to keep checking up on me you know," she says quietly and Kian smiles at her gently "I've been through this before, I don't need you checking up on me every two minutes, I'll tell you if anything happens"

"I just want to be involved"

"I know" she softens taking his hand, he sighs slightly and looks at her "It's just I would prefer to leave this at home and outside the hospital from now on instead of us fawning over something that might not be"

"Ok, I understand" he comments not wanting to upset her, the last thing she needed was people interfering especially when she was still trying to find her way "Let's get moving then, I'll even get you some breakfast from downstairs if you like?"

"That would be great" she nods and stretches her body, she slides her shoes on "Right, I'll leave then you can leave"

"Alright, love you," he says bringing her in for a hug, she nods and smiles before pecking him gently on the lips

"I love you too"


They went to work, Kian forced Jac to take ten minutes out to eat and she accepted as she had quite a bit of an appetite. Kian picked up the slack as she took more breaks, Chloe and Nicky noticed that Jac had barely been around and they were ready to interrogate Kian over it but they were interrupted by Max who needed to speak to both him and Jac. He was worried in case Jac wasn't up to this, she had a huge shock these last few days and the last thing he wanted was for her to have more stress piled onto her but Max said it was urgent and that they had no choice in the matter, it left Kian irritated and he knew Jac would feel the same. As soon as he entered the office he mouthed a sorry to her and Jac was absolutely livid.

"I've been raking through my emails" Jac snaps and Kian frowns looking between all of them "And let me tell you I am far from impressed at these accusations"

"You still need to do it-"

"What's going on?" Kian cuts in and Jac seethes bashing her hands on the desk, she turns the screen to her computer around and Kian reads the email "You have got to be kidding me"

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