Chapter 9

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It was the little things that got to her, the way Kian slammed his bag down on the kitchen counter after a tough day and the endless moaning he would provide her with, it was things like that which made her happy to be in a relationship again. Jac was cooking dinner when she listened to him talk about how he made a mistake in some surgery before playfully ribbing him that she could do better causing him to laugh. They ate together whilst Emma got ready for bed and then after Kian went up and read a story to her like he had always done, it was a nice little habit they had gotten into. After he came down and then they curled up on the sofa leading Kian to complain even more about his day at work, she knew where this would lead to, she just knew.

"Come back" he pleads and she laughs predicting he would say that "Please"

"No" she shakes her head and Kian just whines at her "You sound like I've just kicked a pupping, stop that"

"Have you kicked a puppy?" he raises his eyebrows playfully, she whacks him on the shoulder as her phone goes off "Jonny again?"

"Yeah" she sighs in annoyance "He wants to see Emma but she won't go and see him and it's all a mess"

"Maybe I should go away for a bit-"

"What? No!" she says and Kian sighs slightly "I dont think it would make a difference if I'm honest with you"

"You'll miss me thats why"

"Oh shut up" she mutters and Kian brings her in for a hug, he wraps his arm around her and she rests her head on his chest "I just dont know what to do to make her go and see him"

"How about I use my persuasion tactics?"

"Seriously?" she deadpans and Kian nods eagerly "Well be my guest but I'm telling you, she is so stubborn over this"

"Just like her mother then and I cracked her"

"You really are in one of those annoying moods aren't you?" she mutters and Kian smirks at her as she shifts onto his lap "It feels so weird"

"What does?" he questions and Jac sighs slightly smiling as he fiddles with her hair "Hm?"

"Us being all cosied up, never in a million years would I have thought I needed this in m life or even wanted it"

"Sometimes certain people change certain things about them" he whispers and Jac nods leaning up to kiss him softly, she rests her head on his shoulder "So what are we watching tonight?"

"Nothing medical"

"Why, you might feel tempted-"

"Kian it's not happening" she states and he rolls his eyes kissing her on the side of the head "I have bigger things to think about"

"I know" he whispers softly and Jac smiles "How are you today, both of you"

"We're good," she says and Kian nods into her head before yawning "I'll tell you something I don't like how shattered this whole thing is making me"

"Apologies" he states and Jac shakes her head with a small smile

"It's a good thing," she says quietly and Kian nods slowly "A really good thing"

"You know, today I was in theatre with Nicky and it was just like old times, I wished it was you and I will always wish it was you"

"I know just give me time"

"The hospital went into special measures today," he says quietly and Jac's eyes widen in shock "Everyone was shocked but I'll tell you something Jac change is happening"

"In what way?"

"New improvement director," he says quietly and Jac nods with a small smile "Hanssen back as CEO, it's all very weird"

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