Chapter3- I dont believe its him

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Like the other days there will be a mystery present. And this time its a necklace, a beautiful necklace. As usual the mystery present will comes with a mystery card, and yes there will be a card with it. So I read it excitedly. And its write,
"I think now is the time. To tell you who am I. I want to be the man in your heart, to be your protector, always be with you no matter what is the situation, always be by your side, always. So..."
And the sentence hang there. I feel so weird. Is this a kind of a stupid joke? Argh! "Tiffany..." I heard someone whisper my name behind me, really close to me. "Tiffany, I love you. I'm your secret admire." Hurm, what should I do? My heart beat fast, its like I gonna had a heart attack. So I turn back and I see him. I'm so suprise and I dont believe it. Who is he? He is Zack, the most popular guy in their school. Oh My God, am I dreaming? "Tiffany I know is kinda crazy but I am in love with you since my friend tell about you. At first I just interested about you life and a few day past I feel something that I never feel. Its call Love. I love you. Would you accept my love?" I'm a little bit suprise and nothing I can say. "I know that you are suprise because it comes so fast. I'm not afraid to tell you 'I Love You', I'm afraid to hear that you don't love me back,Because I know that's what will happen if I show you my identity at first. And I know that you are in love with me too because I see your happiness and excited when you get my presents." say Zack honestly from his heart. "Can you give me some time to think abou this? Because I am quite shock because its come so sudden. Please give me some time and I will give you my answer." I ask."Take your time dear, as long as you want."
Two days past and I get the answer. I call Zack to tell him my answer. We meet at a park nearby. Zack have arrive, he runs towards me excitedly. "So what your answer? " ask Zack excitedly, totally excited. "My answer is yes, I love you too..." I say my answer but my sentence didn't finish and Zack cut it "YAHOOOO!!! Thank you Tiffany, thank you so much dear. I must tell everyone about this." Zack shouts happily. "But wait Zack, I have one condition." I say. "What is it dear?" ask Zack. "I want our relationship to be a secret relationship. It just between you and me. Don't tell anyone about our relationship. Its because you are a well-know person in school, so if everyone know about this relationship I'm afraid that there will be some gossip. So can you?" I ask Zack. Without think for a long time, Zack answered "Yes I can." And this is the start of my love story with Zack.

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