Chapter14- Its near

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The day that I dont want to come is near, its about a week more. Now it have been a week we be together. And I am happy cause when Troy with me the smile on his face never fall down. And I'm happy for that. Beside the happiness there is sadness.
A tears falling down from my eyes. "Why are you crying? Is there something that I have done to you? Tell me..." say Troy when he see my tears falling down suddenly. "I am not crying. Its nothing. It is a tear of happiness. Troy, I have somthing to tell you. It is..." The word is stuck right there. The words cant come out from my mouth. Its like the words stuck in my throat. Oh god why it must happen? "It is what dear? Is there anything wrong." Troy ask me when he notice I'm just silent and keep my word stuck. "It is I'm happy to be with you. And I want you to know that I just... I just love you so much. To the moon and never come back. Dont leave me. Stay with me, die with me. " Thats it! I'm not telling him what I suppose to tell him. Arghh its hurt me so much. "I know dear. So am I. I want to marry with you right now, If I can. But we are still studying and I decided to marry you straight away after we graduate. I love you too more than you love me." Argh, god dont take him only. Take me with him! Cause I dont know what will happen to me without me. How can I accept his dead? How can I stand in front of the dead body, and the the dead body is the one that I love so much. How, how how.
The day past just like a thunder. One day Troy's sister tell me that Troy have been take to the hospital because he suddenly knock down. I went to the hospital straight away as soon I receive the news. Oh My! Only god who knows how I feel right now! But I'm quite disapppointed when I arrived there. Troy had been placed in the ICU. The doctor said that he is a critcal situation. And the world spinning and I dont know what happen to me next and I only see a black scenery."TROYYYYY!!!" I shouted. "Its only a nightmare! Thats good." But I woke up and I'm on the hospital's bed. The doctor said that I'm too shocked untill I knock down. Troy?! So its not a nightmare! Its real! I go to Troy's ICU to meet him althought he is in coma right now. At least I can see him. But there is two security guard in front of Troy's room. "Sorry miss, strangers are not allowed. You can go. Only family member and Troy's close friends who are allowed."said one of the body guard. "I'm Tiffany and I'm Troy's girlfriend."I say and about to cross the bodyguard. "Sorry miss. How can I know if you are not lying? You still cant come in because I never know that Troy has a girlfriend and his family never tell me. Sorry miss you can go."says another bodyguard strict! "Let me in! I'm her girlfriend! Let me in!" I shouted! "Hello madam, there is a girl that says she is Troy's girlfriend and what I must do to him? *the bodyguard hears the person that he calls madam to reply* alright madam I will ask her to wait." The bodyguard look towards me. "Can I come in?" I ask. "No you cant. Madam didn't allow you to meet Troy, madam wants to meet you." Madam? Who is this mysterious madam actually? Why she want to meet me? Why she didn't allow me to meet Troy? Who is she actually? And Troy's ICU door were open and someone come out from the ICU maybe it is the madam who dont allow me to meet Troy. And I'm quite suprise cause the madam who doesn't allow me to meet Troy is Troy's mom, Miss Jane? "Why you still show off you face here? Oh I hate your face! Because of you my son is dead. Because of you I lost my one and only son. Because of you I..." Miss Jane straight away scold me when she see my face. "Waittt! Troy is... is... d.. de...died? Se..Se..Ri..riously?" I ask it and want to cry! "Yes Troy just died! Its because of you! You! You! You! I hate you go away and never show your unguilty face in front of my family from now on! Guards! Take her away!" And bushh! A lightning comes like a zaz! I've been take out! I look the hospital and go home with tears....

What will happen to Tiffany Hudson? Is this the end of Troy Richard life? Is this the end of Tiffany Hudson and Troy Richard love story? Wait for the next chapter "My life without him"

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