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The Ho Ho Holding Cell 

!Ship whatever you want! 
The Muffinteer's get locked up, Trying to escape using Christmas based puzzles. 


The team all decided to go Christmas shopping together,
to make sure everyone had everything they needed. They made they're way towards the store, making jokes about get each other weird items, at least- They think they are joking... 👀
They all split up in the store, so no one could see what they were getting. Now lets zoom in, on this ✨flamboyant✨ day in December..... 

I made my way around the store, I was looking for one thing only.
I wanted to make them clout goggles designed off of they're MC characters. I mean, what better gift would they're be from me then something with my brand? I couldn't find them, so I decided to ask an employee. 
This is a target, so I look for red shirts. I see a middle age blonde woman with one, ew I made to talk to a middle age woman. I swear if she tells me i'm going to hell- 

"Hello, Miss?" 

"Hmm? Who are you." 

"I wanna know where the glasses are, could you show me?" 




"No I-" 

"Is something wrong over here?" 
Another worker arrived, looking very confused as was I. 

"Yes. This man is assaulting me." 


"Sir. I'm gonna need you to come with me." 


"Sir please, or i'll have to kick you out." 



I was grabbing the last of what I needed, when I heard an announcement over the intercom. 

"I need all friends of GeorgeNotFound to come to the front doors please!" 

I sighed, making my way to the front. What did he do this time...- It was usually me and dream causing the trouble. How dare he start drama without me!
I was the first to the front, other than Gogy, Obviously. I had the situation briefly explained to me, I took Georges side. Who the fuck wheres a red shirt to target- 
I was about to speak my mind, when I heard Dream behind me. 


"Whats going on?" 

I asked, since me and Sapnap are the usual troublemakers.
I was told the story, from both sides. The only reason that cashier was listening to that 50 year old woman is because she was bawling her eyes out. God she was ugly-
Anyways, I immediately started talking shit. It was like my job in this situation. Gog's was nodding along to what I was saying, sapnap was recording which meant clout.
That was nice to know. 
Next thing I knew we were thrown into a small jail cell in the backroom. It was Christmas themed, also I don't think this is legal- 

"What did you muffins do?!" 


I was thrown into the cell as well, I didn't even do anything. 
I quizzed the muffins, yelling at them for they're stupidity. I understand that's what we all would've wanted to do, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU DO IT-

The Crazy *ss Christmas Special! (MultiFandom)Where stories live. Discover now