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The Paindeer 

Jef comes across a reindeer while on a snow walk with Good, He tries to pet it... 
We all know what happens next. 


They did this regularly, 
  Going on walks that is. It helped them get some fresh air, and it was just a nice way to converse. Even if it was cold, they still went. Good just had to wear sweater(s). As a demon, his natural body heat was much higher than others, and he had to keep it above 100 degrees. It usually wasn't much of a problem, but when its FUCKING SNOWING it is. 

Jef had insisted going out, 
This was they're first Christmas just the two of them. Everyone else was with family. Good didn't exactly have one, they all died a while ago. Jef decided to stay with Good, being the good friend he is. 
  Its been pretty chill so far, Nothing really worth story telling. Other then when Jef had to help Good get off the top of the tree. That was kinda funny. There was about three days till Christmas eve. They had both gotten presents for each other. 

You wanna know what they got? 
Fine. Its not that cool, but whatever. 

    Good is getting Jef a cat. 
  He had always wanted one but never ended up actually getting one. Good had secretly went to the local animal shelter, he saw a little kitten with one eye and black fur. It had icy blue eyes, and was all in all adorable. It was a feisty thing, but so was Good. And Jef willingly hung out with him. 
  He was gonna pick it up after dinner on Christmas eve. So they had him there on Christmas morning. He did have something to give to Jef on actual Christmas day. Jef had always commented on how he loved Good's style, which was the target demographic of "Alt". 
So he got him some cool shirts, tripp pants, And some cool bracelets and rings. Including one that Good wore regularly that Jef always commented on. 

   Jef on the other hand, 
got alot of things. Number one, he got Good a new hoodie. He liked Good's old one, but its covered in holes and burn marks. he never expected Good to throw it away, It was the only thing he had left of his mother and Jef would never try to change that.
   Then, He was gonna make cupcakes. It was a simple thing, but Good loved them. Good couldn't bake, he was more of a cook (Like meals and stuff), Jef was the polar opposite. They were different in so many ways, but that only made it more fun to figure stuff out about each other. Like how Jef was into really kinky- 
   Number three, He got him this cool matching ring set, one for each of them, or whoever Good chose to share it with. 
    He also got Good a shit load of monster energy drinks. What? Their delicious. 
    Lastly, He had planned dinner at this cool space place. Good was a crazy fascination with space. Anyone who took one look at him while talking about it could tell it was one of his hyper fixations. It was just some fancy Chinese restaurant where all the walls reflected a different planet, all used live cameras to show them. 

Back to the story. 

They were only they're nightly walk.
Holding hands, like good boyfriends do. When Jef popped the question he'd had in his mind ever since they started dating. 

"Hey Good" 


"When are you gonna meet my paren-" 


He looked to where Good was pointing, 
  He forgot his question the second he saw it. 

"Oo! A reindeer!" 

"I think its just a deer-" 


"Alrighty then." 

Jef quietly made his way towards it, 
Until he felt a firm grip by a tiny ass hand on his arm. He turned seeing the fluffy haired boy he loved for all these years. 

"Please- It might be dangerous."

"I'll be fineeee" 


"I promise, if it seems hostile... I'll lead it away from you, and make sure your safe." 

"It's not me that i'm worried about." 

"You should really worry about yourself more often." 

"I- You know what? Go ahead." 

"Thank you, I knew you'd come around." 

Good stared at him. 
  Why did he love this guy again? He's a literal dumbass.

Jef got close enough to the deer for him to be able to poke it with a stick.
  He wasn't gonna touch it with his bare hand's. It could have a mental illness, like Heterosexuality for example. He didn't wanna catch that shit. He held out the stick he was holding, hiding behind a tree while using the stick to poke its side. 

What he wasn't expecting, 
  Was for this fucking Satan spawn to violently snap it's neck in his direction. It had red glowing eyes and sharp blood covered teeth. It was down right terrifying. He slowly backed away, never leaving eye contact. 
  He backed right into Good, practically knocking the small boy over. He caught him in his arm's. They had a few moments of gay staring before Jef realized the fucking hell hound running towards them. 

He scooped Good up in his arm's, 
 Running. Just Running, He didn't know where. He wasn't going towards the house. 



He ran into a cave, 
Hiding behind a rock. It wasn't big, so he set Good down on top of him. That way if it found them Good could easily leave him behind and run out. Jef was the one who pissed it off anyways. 
   They hid there, Trying to calm down they're breathing. It was also freezing, Good feeling the worst of it. 

"I think it's gone-" 

Jef started to get up, 
Good pushed him back down. 

"Don't. It could still be out there, Waiting" 

"Right, So do we just wait here." 

"Until morning." 

"Okay... Do you think you could-" 

"On it." 

Due to his demonic nature, 
   Good had flame powers. He could make them huge, or small. It all depended on his will power at the time. Since he had to do this for awhile, he had to keep it relatively small. It was about the size of his palm, which wasn't that big. The flame floating lightly above his hand. 
    He was already on Jef's lap, Jef just leaned in more. His head on Good's shoulder. He smiled lightly, thank god his boyfriend was hot- I mean... Uh- Could be hot- Fuck.
    Great thing his boyfriend is a fucking match. 

They sat there for the rest of the night, 
Cuddled up together... 
The paindeer was watching them sleep- 


Hehe look at my little gay boi's. 

(1138 Words) 

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