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Before I begin here's there clothes (Tommy harem and teachers)

Before I begin here's there clothes (Tommy harem and teachers)

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And the teachers

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And the teachers

The teacher walked in as all the kids went silent, "Okay class today we have a new student. Tommy may you say some facts about yourself"

"Uhm...I'm Tommy Innit Minecraft, brother of Wilbur Soot and Technoblade...I like to mess around with people, that's it..." The blond says looking down

"Your sitting next to...hm, who here has an empty seat?"

As the teacher is talking the popular boys whisper about the new kid, "He looks geeky, he probably doesn't even have scars under those bandages.." One of them says laughing

"But he's also kind of cute.." The second tallest states.

"PURPLED DID YOU EVEN LISTEN TO WHAT I SAID?!" The teacher yells at the dirty blond

"Uhm, no? Why would I?" Who's name appeared to be Purpled responded

"Well if you WERE listening, I said raise your hand for Tommy could go sit next to you. And don't think I didn't hear you, don't talk like that Purpled."
The teacher knew that Purpled was bisexual

She wasn't mad because of that, she was mad because Purpled was a player and was probably gonna break the poor boys heart

Purpled raises his hand and Tommy walks over, "Hi cutie-" Purpled was about to play him but then he interrupts him

"Shut it. I don't want to talk to you, you look like a pervert" He looks coldly at Purpled than looks back

"Why does everyone say that?!" Purpled asks

"Maybe because you are" A boy with both black and white hair says, "I mean you do look like one with your clothes" He adds on

"Oh fuck off Ranboo..."
At the end of school Tommy was in the Library, he noticed the 4 from earlier staring at him but he seemed to not care

"He looks cute" Ranboo complimented

"For real though...I dare someone to go up to him" The shortest looked at the others like he didn't just agree to Tommy being cute

"Not me!" One of them says, "YES YOU DEO!!" The other yells at Deo

"PFT TUBBO GOT YOUR ASS- YOU HAVE TO GO NOW!" Purpled laughed joyfully

"Fine..." Deo than walked up to the shorter boy, "Hey" He got ignored

"Hey! Don't ignore me rude kid..." Deo yelled

"I don't want to speak to popular kids, you guys are always mean. Just let me fucking be!" Tommy said putting his head up

"Quiet cutie, we're in a library" Deo shushes the loud kid

"Calm down kid. Aren't you like a freshman?" Deo asked the kid, although he wasn't really a kid

"Yeah but since it's the middle of the year I'm already 15.." The blond answerers, with that Deo responds

"Oh, I'm a junior and the other 3 you saw earlier are sophomores" Deo tells the kid

"Great, now leave me alone your like 50." Tommy puts his head back down, "You're really cute you know" Deo says getting closer to the boy before he gets slapped

"PFTTT HE GOT SLAPPED" A girl said filming

"Listen here DeO I won't hesitate to drop kick your ass." Tommy says looking up at the taller

"I didn't do shit! TUBBO LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!" Deo than ran quickly to Tubbo to blame him

It wasn't really Tubbo's fault, kind of was, kind of wasn't. Either way, Tommy hates them. All.

"Yeah we saw you get slapped Deo, rip that Deo a-" Ranboo got cut off by getting slapped playfully

"SEE HOW IT FEELS MOTHER FUCKER!!" Deo screams at the ended boy

"Off topic but well you were gone we came up with a deal, so I'm pretty sure we all find Tommy attractive right?" Purpled says, everyone agrees. "So whoever gets a kiss from him first, gets to 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 him."

A / N : So sorry this was short. I was in a rush

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